Back Call for Expression of Interest

A Call for Expression of Interest is launched for national short-term consultancy positions for the Joint Project between the European Union and the Council of Europe “Human Resources Management in Local Self-Government”. The Project is implemented by the Council of Europe in Serbia in co-operation with two main project partners, the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government and the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.


Applications should be submitted by email to with the following subject line “Call for Expression of Interest” by June 22, 2016.


Please download the attached document with all relevant information.

Call for Expression of Interest HRM in LSG

The Council of Europe Office in Belgrade was opened by the Secretary General on 16 March 2001, as a contact point for co-operation with the then Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which had applied for membership in the Council of Europe. The work was already underway on joint projects. It has remained in place ever since.

Serbia became the 45th member of the Council of Europe in April 2003, a development that was a natural consequence of the major political changes which took place in autumn 2000 and which allowed Serbia to claim its rightful place among the democratic states of Europe.


Through the Office in Belgrade, the Council of Europe continues to assist the country in its process of democratic reforms and its European integration. In recent years, the Office, in close co-operation with the Serbian authorities, has supported reforms of democratic institutions, the rule of law, human and minority rights, including of the Roma and the LBGTI communities, and local and regional self-government.

The Office also continues to assist with co-operation regarding economic, social, cultural, scientific, legal and administrative matters, and in the maintenance and further realisation of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

75 years of the Council of Europe



Leaflet of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade