Project title

Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine (VAW in Ukraine)


30 months (1 September 2013-  end February 2016)



Objectives of the action

The capacity of national institutions to prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence is enhanced, and the awareness of the relevant law and policy makers responsible for providing effective assistance and redress to victims of violence against women and domestic violence is increased.

Project purpose

The ratification of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention) by Ukrainian authorities, including the preparation for the ratification and its implementation Ukrainian legislation, policy and practice.


Result 1

Ukraine is ready to ratify and implement the Istanbul Convention (IC): a CoE expert report on the compatibility of the Ukrainian legislation with the Istanbul Convention that includes the identification of amendments to existing national legislation, and the drafting and adoption of new legislation, is made available to the Government, while the proposed package is also taken to the Parliament as part of the accompanying ratification process.

Indirect result: increased awareness of law and policy makers of the situation with regard to violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine; enhanced knowledge of the Istanbul Convention and other relevant international standards in the field.


Result 2

Ukrainian authorities define a set of minimum common data categories required for collecting comprehensive public data on violence against women and domestic violence in the country (Article 11 of the Istanbul Convention).

Indirect result: strengthened capacities of the Ukrainian authorities to conduct research and collect and analyse data on violence against women and domestic violence.


Result 3

A set of recommendationsfor cooperation between regional and/or local authorities, as well as relevant stakeholders aimed at providing effective assistance to victims and survivors of violence against women and domestic violence as a basis for comprehensive and coordinated policies (Articles 7, 8 and 9 Istanbul Convention).

Indirect result: strengthened capacities of local agencies and other relevant stakeholders involved in dealing with victims and survivors of violence against women and domestic violence in the pilot areas.


Ministry of Social Policy, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Prosecutor’s Office, Supreme Court, Ombudsperson, State Statistical Service, State Court Administration and 2 Oblast/regions, Verkhovna Rada, non-governmental organisations (NGOs).


Council of Europe.


tel. +38.044.303.99.14

mob. +

fax. +

e-mail. vaw.ukraine@coe.int