Youth Summit - Warsaw, 15-16 May 2005
The participants in the Youth Summit, gathered in Warsaw on 15 and 16 May, called for recognition of ''the crucial role of the Council of Europe in the European architecture and for support for the role of young people and youth organisations as key actors in European construction''. This final Declaration was handed over to the Heads of State and Government on Tuesday 17 May (more...)

Final Declaration

Terry Davis: ''One of the tasks facing the Council of Europe is to promote and support education for democratic citizenship''
''Active participation is the key to a healthy democracy and to empowerment for the people whatever their age. It seems natural today that young people from all Europe are meeting under one roof, professing the same fundamental values and sharing the same aspirations,'' stated the Secretary General, opening the Youth Summit on 15 May. (more...)

Compass – a manual on human rights education for young people – launched (more...)

Giovanni Di Stasi: ''Involvement of young people is essential in maintaining the legitimacy of democratic decision-making''
Speaking at the Youth Summit in Warsaw on 15 May, the President of the Congress said that ''Participation and active citizenship is about having the right, the means, the space and the opportunity to participate in. Local and regional authorities have an extremely important role to play in promoting youth participation''.

Lech Walesa special guest at Youth Summit
Nobel Peace Prize-winner and former Polish President Lech Walesa was the special guest, on 16 May. He made a speech in the Parliament.

Renaldas Vaisbrodas, President of the European Youth Forum
Lionel Schreiber, European Union of Jewish Students president
Interview (French)
Peter Lauritzen, Head of the Council of Europe’s Youth Department.
Final Declaration
Presentation of the Youth Summit
Press releases
Programme and information [Pdf]
List of participants
Photo gallery
  Global education

North-South Center: Workshop on Global education – 13 May 2005, Poland

  press contacts
Council of Europe
Estelle Steiner
tel: +33 (0)3 88 41 33 35
mobile: +33 (0)6 08 46 01 57
European Youth Forum
Patricia Sanchez
tel: +32 2 230 64 12
mobile: +32 484 126 859
  reference websites
European Youth Forum
Youth website of the Council of Europe