Building a Europe for and with children

Congress reports to the Committee of Ministers on latest activities and
support to the ONE in FIVE Campaign

09.04.2013 -The Congress Secretary General, Mr Andreas Kiefer, addressed the Ministers’ Deputies on 3 April at their 1167th meeting, presenting the Activity Report of the Congress. Since November 2012, the Congress has promoted several activities in various fields, just to mention a few: activities that promote social inclusion, citizen participation with “European Local Democracy Week (ELDW)”, Children’s rights, Youth and support of the democratic process in the Euro-Mediterranean region and intercultural dialogue.

In the field of children’s rights, the Congress is collaborating with the Coordinating Unit of the Council of Europe Programme “Building a Europe for and with children” in promoting the ONE in FIVE Campaign to stop sexual violence against children. Two main activities are being carried out: firstly, the Congress, as stated in the report, is working to promote the “Pact of Towns and Regions to stop sexual violence against children”, which was recently presented in Berlin at the German Bundestag by the Congress Vice-President, Clemens Lammerskitten (Germany, EPP/CCE). Secondly, a new interactive website was designed to showcase good local and regional practices that aim to stop sexual violence against children.


For more information:

Read the speech of the Congress Secretary General

Read the Activity Report of the Congress (From November 2012 to April 2013)

Visit the website “Congress Pact 1 in 5"