Health Policy




8th Conference of European Health Ministers



People on the Move:

Human Rights and Challenges for Health Care Systems


Bratislava – Slovak Republic

22-23 November 2007






Preliminary Draft Programme

Version: 9 November 2007


Preliminary Programme

Wednesday, 21. 11. 2007

18.00 – 20:00


Thursday 22.11.2007

08.00 – 09.00


09.00 – 10.00

Cérémonie d'ouverture


 Opening of the Conference by Mr. Terry DAVIS, Secretary General of the Council of Europe


Address by the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic


 Election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Conference




Statements by:


 Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic


 Representative of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe


 Representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe



10.00 – 10.30

Coffee Break

10.00 – 10.30

Press Conference



10.30 – 12.30

Working Session 1
 “Migration and mobility – regional and global aspects”

Keynote speeches




General Debate


Points for discussion:

impact of mobility and migration on demographic evolution

 changing patterns of migration and reversal of traditional roles of some countries

 changing patterns of health in Europe

 challenges to social cohesion and social solidarity in multicultural societies

 migrants and receiving populations – co-existence, inclusion, integration

12:30 – 14:30

Family photo


Luncheon hosted by the Secretary General of the Council
of Europe in honour of Ministers/Heads of delegations


Luncheon hosted by the Ministry of Health of
the Slovak Republic for other participants

14:30 – 17.00

Working Session 2
“Human rights on the move”

Keynote speeches

Interventions :


General Debate  
Points for discussion:



 human dignity, human rights and vulnerability in migration

 a patchwork of existing national and international
legal frameworks: way forward

 respect, protection and promotion of human dignity and rights of migrants (with special regard to health, and to health care)

 receiving, transit and sending countries: balancing obligations and responsibility

 working for ethically sound solutions

 fighting stigma and discrimination

 is mobility of rights feasible?

 cultural, religious and values diversity: a friend or foe?

 a dilemma of undocumented/illegal migrants

17.00 – 18.00

Informal meetings of the Ministers / Heads of Delegations


Dinner hosted by the Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic for all participants

Friday, 23.11.2007

09:00 – 10:30

Working Session 3
“Mobility of problems, mobility of solutions: Migration
and Health Care Systems”

Keynote speeches

Interventions :


General Debate
Points for discussion:


implications of migration for public health and health promotion

 health (care) needs, health risks, and health burden of the migration

 specific roles, limitations and needs of different health care stakeholders

 collaboration with other sectors

 universal access or targeted approaches: equity or positive discrimination in access

 advantages and disadvantages of mobility of health professionals

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:30


Working Session 4
“Future challenges for the Health Care Systems”

Keynote speeches

Interventions :


General Debate

(Remarques sur la Déclaration)

Points for discussion:


 tools needed to protect people on the move

 economic sustainability and essential health services basket for migrants

 the emerging new challenges of migration for health care systems and possible responses

 capacities, structures, resources, supplies

 regional, continental (and global) collaboration on
managing migration and mobility

12:30 – 13:00

Closing Session

Adoption of the Bratislava Declaration on Migration, Health and Human Rights
Closing Remarks, Chairperson of the Conference




Press Conference of the Chairperson of the Conference



13:30 – 14:30

Buffet luncheon hosted by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic


Departures of participants



Working languages of the Conference:
English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Slovak
Passive interpretation from Spanish.