In the 47 Council of Europe member states, Discrimination is a crime.
You may be the next victim or the next witness, so "Speak out against discrimination!"
This is the main message of the Council of Europe’s anti-discrimination campaign, which primarily targets media industry professionals and has three main objectives:
1 - to train media professionals on how to treat news relating to discrimination and intercultural dialogue;
2 - to help people with a minority background to make their voices heard by facilitating their access to media professions and productions;
3 - to inform public opinion about policies that combat discrimination.
The campaign, which focuses on the role of the media in a multicultural Europe, derives its mandate from the Council of Europe’s White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue “Living together as equals in
dignity”. It is aimed at the general public – in particular the victims of discrimination – via a range of communication initiatives designed to raise public awareness of the fight against discrimination in Europe.
