Media & Diversity
Training work


To reflect the increased expression of diversity of European societies through strong support for the access of minorities to media professions and productions.


Media access for minorities raises the dual issue of their presence, and hence their access to media professions, and of their expression and visibility in the media. It is thus proposed to focus part 2 of the campaign on two aspects:

1- Staff policies: promotion of access by minorities to all sectors and all levels of the media industry;

2- Editorial practices: encouraging balanced and professional journalistic coverage of cultural diversity within European societies.

Training workExpected results

- Publication of a handbook of good practices relating to the promotion of minorities in the media professions.

- Public declaration with and by media operators, with the Council of Europe’s support, in favour of access for minorities to all sectors and all levels of their industry.

- Public declaration with and by the profession (journalists), with the Council of Europe’s support, calling for high-quality, professional reporting of, in particular, intercultural issues and discriminatory practices.