MEDIANE - Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness

Reynald BLION

Between September 2008 and December 2014, Reynald Blion was Media & Diversity Manager for the Directorate General Democracy. He has been successively responsible for the Media & Diversity part of the 2008-10 Speak out against discrimination Campaign of the Council of Europe and then of the joint European Union / Council of Europe joint programmes 2011-12 MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport - and 2012-13 Mediane - Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness; programmes he conceived and developed on the basis of previous actions of the Council of Europe in these fields. He contributed, to several publishing as, for example, Tell us about diversity! A practical Approach to Intercultural Media Content, Strasbourg, Council of Europe, 2011, To fight against discrimination and for cultural diversity: a major challenge for the media in: Cavdar A., Yildirim A.B. (Eds), Hate Crimes and Hate Speech, Istanbul, The International Hrant Dink Foundation Publication, 2010, Europes ethnic and diversity media in: C. Dientz, P. Stamen (Eds), Media on the move. Migrants and minorities in the media, Aachen, CAMECO, 2009, Ethnic media and diversity in Europe in: Georgiou M., Transnational lives and the media, Londres, Routledge, Aug. 07, Parler de l'autre / Parler d'ailleurs. De la visibilité à l'expression des diversités en Europe in: Rigoni I., Les bannis des media, Paris, Aux lieux d'être, May 07... Contact at: