MEDIANE - Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness

Mediane encounters in a slideshow
European Encounters
In recent years, European countries have displayed a common vision - even if it was not always jointly elaborated - in implementing actions in favour of non-discrimination and diversity in daily media work of the media industry. The MEDIANE European Encounters combined its three main areas of action (training, production and journalism practice) with its approach on media diversity inclusiveness. The three MEDIANE European Encounters fostered exchanges of practices and tools in order to allow each participant to share his/her own experiences and to contribute to define diversity inclusiveness criteria in the field of training, production and journalism practice that fed the building of the the Mediane Box on Media Diversity Inclusiveness.

10 – 12 June 2013, Nicosia (Cyprus)
From Covering Diversity to Including Diversity
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26 – 28 March 2014, Lisbon (Portugal)
Testing a Tool on Media Diversity Inclusiveness
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12 - 14 November 2014, Brussels (Belgium)
The Mediane Roadshow - A journey towards Diversity Inclusiveness in the Media
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Thematic Encounters
Through the implementation of Thematic Encounters, MEDIANE looked at implementing its approach of diversity inclusiveness in the different sectors that contribute to the development of the European media industry. Through these sets of encounters, MEDIANE addressed media professionals involved in the areas of journalism and media training, media production and journalism practice. It proposed to analyse existing practices but also to develop innovative tools for including diversity in the daily work of the media and their professionals.
Journalism & Media Training & Literacy
Strengthening journalism trainers' capacities and competencies on the inclusion of diversity and non-discrimination in their daily training work
Production and updating of existing training tools which strengthen the capacities of the media and their professionals to include diversity and non-discrimination in their daily work.
Venues and Dates
23 – 25 October 2013
Florence (Italy)

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11 - 13 June 2014 –
London (United Kingdom)

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MEDIANE Partners

EJTA - The European Journalism Training Association

Media Animation
Media Production
Implementing innovative modes of truly inclusive media content design and production.
Development of recommendations and guidelines for practical and innovative modes of inclusive media content design and production.
Dates & Locations
12 – 14 September 2013
San Sebastian (Spain)

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18 - 20 September 2013
Groningen (The Netherlands)

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28 – 30 April 2014
Split (Croatia)

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CMFE - Community Media Forum Europe
Journalism Practice
Enriching current journalism practices of the media industry and its professionals by crossing experiences and sharing methods of diversity inclusiveness.
Guidelines and recommendations for the inclusion of diversity and non-discrimination in the daily work of media outlets and their professionals.
Dates & Locations
4 – 6 October 2013
Thessaloniki (Greece)

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11 – 13 April 2014
Würzburg (Germany)

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EFJ - The European Federation of Journalists