The Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) provides a platform for intergovernmental sports co-operation between the public authorities of its member states. It also encourages dialogue between public authorities, sports federations and NGOs. This contributes to better governance, with the aim of making sport more ethical, more inclusive and safer.


EPAS was set up in 2007 to give fresh momentum to international co-operation in sports policies; to address the current challenges facing sport; and to ensure that sport thrives and is governed to meet high standards (e.g. in the areas of integrity, good governance and fair play).



  • Develops policies (e.g. on safe sport) and international standards, such as the ESC, and supports their implementation.
  • Facilitates multi-stakeholder dialogue by offering platforms for discussion and helps with capacitybuilding and the exchange of good practices.
  • Organises Conferences of Ministers responsible for Sport to discuss and decide on important sport-related issues.
  • Organises thematic conferences and seminars on various subjects concerning sport.
  • Publishes handbooks, guidelines and research papers on sport and sport policy making.


EPAS bases its work on Council of Europe sport standards such as the ESC, the Anti-Doping Convention, the Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (Macolin Convention) and the Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events (Saint-Denis Convention).

  Did you know? 

EPAS aims to promote the development of any sport whose benefits are wide-reaching. It develops policies and standards, monitors them and helps with capacity-building and the exchange of best practices.

Different recommendations initially prepared by EPAS have been adopted by the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers. Recommendations such as the European Sports Charter are regularly monitored via support and follow-up visits in member states. 

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