16th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention
Andorra la Vella, Andorra, 1-2 October 2015
Study visit, 30 September 2015
Organisation: The 16th Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention on “Landscape and transfrontier cooperation: Landscape knows no boundary”, was organised by the Council of Europe – Democratic Governance, Secretariat of the European Landscape Convention – in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable development of Andorra, within the context of the Work Programme of the European Landscape Convention of the Council of Europe.
The Meeting aimed to analyse experiences on the landscape, achieved or ongoing, of transfrontier co-operation. The European Landscape Convention indeed states that “The Parties shall encourage transfrontier co-operation on local and regional level and, wherever necessary, prepare and implement joint landscape programmes” (Article 9 – Transfrontier landscapes). The Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the guidelines for the implementation of the European Landscape Convention considers that “Transfrontier co-operation may result in joint landscape protection, management and planning programmes and take the form of instruments and measures agreed between the authorities (different administrative levels and general and sectoral competences) and relevant stakeholders on both sides of the border”. It notes that“Transfrontier co-operation is possible not only between neighbouring states but also between neighbouring regions and communities in the same state which have different landscape policies, on the basis either of territorial contiguity or common features”.
Participants: The Meeting wass aimed at government officials – Members of the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) and Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, representatives of other ministries –, representatives of local and regional authorities, universities, professionals, public and private governmental and non-governmental organisations working in the fields of landscape and sustainable management, with its environmental, cultural, social and economic dimensions.
Speeches and Powerpoints
Thursday 1 October 2015
- Mrs Sílvia CALVÓ, Minister of the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development of Andorra (speech)
- Representative of the Secretary General to the Council of Europe
Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape, Council of Europe (speech) - Mrs Liv Kirstine MORTENSEN, Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Department of Planning, Norway (speech)
- Mrs Sanja LJESKOVIC MITROVIC, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Montenegro, Vice-Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Member of the Bureau of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe (speech)
- Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Council of Europe (speech)
- Mrs Anna MOLES, Head of Unit of Landscape, Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment, National Representative of Andorra for the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable development, Andorra (speech)
Transfrontier cooperation
- Mr Edwin LEFEBRE, Deputy of the Director, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Flemish Region, Agency for Home Affairs, Rapporteur of the European Committee on Democracy and Governance (CDDG) of the Council of Europe (speech and ppt. )
Thinking border, thinking landscape
- Mr Joan NOGUÉ, Director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, Spain (speech and ppt.)
Workshop 1 – A journey through the landscapes of Andorra
- Mr Marc ROSSELL, Director General of Environment and Sustainable Development, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Andorra
- Mrs Natàlia ROVIRA, Responsible for Strategy and Communication, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Andorra
The National Landscape Strategy of Andorra: Outcomes 2012-2015
- Mrs Anna MOLES, Head of Unit of Landscape, Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment, National Representative of Andorra for the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Andorra (speech and ppt.)
Landscape planning at the local level in Europe: the results of a comparative study
- Mr Pere SALA, Co-ordinator of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia, Spain (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Anna MOLES, Head of Unit of Landscape, Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment, National Representative of Andorra for the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Andorra (speech and ppt.)
Border landscapes and cross-border relationships in Andorra
- Mrs Núria SEGUÉS, Researcher at the Centre of Andorra Studies and Sociological Research (CRES) (speech and ppt.)
The challenge of transborder European landscapes: learning from the experience of Pas de la Casa (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Francesc MUÑOZ, Director of the Urbanisation Observatory and the Masters in Landscape Intervention and Management from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- Mrs Marina CERVERA, Architect for the Polytechnic University of Barcelona, Landscape Architect, General Secretary of the European Foundation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA-Europe), Spain
- Mr Massimo ANGRILLI, Architect, Professor of the Architecture Faculty of the University of Pescara, Italy
Workshop 2 – Dotted landscapes, lines that separate, lines that bind
- Mrs Julia TOBIKOVA, National Focal Point for the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of the Environment, Czech Republic
- Mr Enrico BUERGI, Honorary Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Switzerland
- Mr Yves LUGINBÜHL, Agronomist and Geographer, Research Director Emeritus of the National Centre for Scientific Research, France
Cross-border Landscape Plan of Cerdanya
- Mrs Aurélie FRANCHI, Senior Official, Office of landscapes and advertising, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Séverine CASASAYAS, Director of the Regional Natural Park of the Catalan Pyrenees, France (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Lucie JULIEN, Senior Officer, Regional Natural Park of the Catalan Pyrenees, France (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Ramon MOLINER, Chair of the Comarcal Council of the Cerdanya, Catalonia, Spain (speech and ppt.)
The Model Programme to maintain the landscape heritage of the Hetés Border Region of Hungary and Slovenia
- Mrs Krisztina KINCSES, National Representative of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of Agriculture, Hungary (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Gábor KISS, Landscape Expert, Herman Ottó Institute, Hungary (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Jelena HLADNIK, Secretary, Head of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment, Slovenia (speech and ppt.)
Finnskogen Nature and Culture Park: Transfrontier co-operation between Norway and Sweden
- Mrs Liv Kristine MORTENSEN, Senior Advisor, Department of Planning, Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Norway (speech and ppt.)
- Mme Suzanne PALMQUIST, Representative of the Finnskogen Nature and Culture Park, Sweden (speech, and ppt.)
Towards strengthened governance of the shared transboundary landscape of the Lake Ohrid Region
- Mrs Zhulieta HARASANI, General Director of Strategic Planning for Cultural Diversity and Heritage, Ministry of Culture, Albania (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Valentina CAVDAROVA, Head of Division for Spatial Planning in protected area and geo-diversity, Department of Nature, Ministry of the Environment and Physical Planning, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” (speech and ppt.)
Workshop 3 – Landscapes: diverse cultures and natural features, a richness
- Mrs Małgorzata OPECHOWSKA, Senior Expert, National Secretariat for the Landscape Convention, Department for Nature Protection, General Directorate for Environmental Protection, Poland
- Mr Vidmantas BEZARAS, Director of Protected Areas and Landscape Department, Ministry of the Environment, Lithuania
- Mrs Annalisa CALCAGNO MANIGLIO, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture, Genoa, Italy
Cross-border cooperation on landscape between Croatia and Montenegro
- Mrs Sanja LJESKOVIC MITROVIC, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, Montenegro (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Biserka DUMBOVIC-BILUSIC, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Culture, Directorate for Cultural Heritage, Croatia (speech and ppt. )
The Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Landscapes Atlas
- Mrs Cristina DEDIU, Counsellor and responsible for the spatial project, Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, Romania (speech and ppt.)
“Transcarpathia” landscape cooperation and the hydrographic basin of the Tisza / Tisa: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine
- Mrs Nadiya YASHYNA, Representative of the Agency of Regional Development and Cross-Border Co-operation “Transcarpathia” of Zakarpattya Oblast Council, Ukraine (speech and ppt.)
Transfontier cooperation between Algarve y Alentejo (Portugal) y Andalusia (Spain)
- Mr Gonzalo ACOSTA BONO, Head of the Department of Spatial Planning and Landscape, Junta de Andalusia, Spain (speech and ppt.)
IPA Cross-Border project “Una - Spring of Life” (Croatia - Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Mrs Lamija ABDIJEVIC, Architect Conservator, Expert Advisor at the Institute of Protection of Monuments in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (speech)
Transversality, an essential step in landscape conception
- Mr Bernard LASSUS, Landscape Architect, Artist, Grand National Landscape Award, France (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Lamija ABDIJEVIC, Expert adviser for architectural heritage with the Bureau for Protection of Monuments, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Mr Agustí SERRA MONTÉ, Director General of Spatial planning and urbanism, Generalitat of Catalonia, Spain
With the participation of:
Representatives of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention and other Steering Committees of the Council of Europe
- Mrs Sarah DE MEYER, Policy officer, Flemish Heritage Agency, Housing and Immovable Heritage, Flemish Region, Belgium
- Mrs Tuija MIKKONEN, Senior Specialist, Ministry of the Environment, Department of the Built Environment, Finland
- Mrs Elena SADOVNIKOVA, Honorary Member of the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) and implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Russian Federation
Representatives of non-governmental organisations
- Mrs Lionella SCAZZOSI, Professor at the Polytechnic University of Milano, Representative of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Italy
- Mr Constantinos CARTALIS, Professor at the University of Athens, Scientific Adviser of Piraeus Bank Cultural Foundation, Greece
- Mr Patrice COLLIGNON, Director of the International Association Rurality-Environment-Development (RED), Belgium
Friday 2 October 2015
Workshop 4 – Landscapes, spaces for cooperation
- Mrs Hanna JĘDRAS, Chief Specialist, Department of International relations, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, Member of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe
- Mr Anestis GOURGIOTIS, Senior Official, Head of Unit of National Spatial plans, Department of Spatial Planning, Ministry of productive reconstruction, environment and energy, Greece
- Mrs Margarita ORTEGA, Honorary Member of the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) and of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Spain
The Swiss-Italian joint Project of shared landscapes
- Mr Giuseppe PIDELLO, Representative of the Observatory for cultural heritage and landscape of Biella, Piedmont, Italy (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Paolo CRIVELLI, Director of the Muggio Valley Ethnographic Museum, District of Ticino, Switzerland (speech and ppt.)
The Gate of Gornje Podunavlje, Backi Monostor, Serbia
Special mention of the Landscape Award of the Council of Europe 2013 ‘Contributing to European ideals’
- Mrs Biljana FILIPOVIC, Head of Unit for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Serbia (speech and ppt.)
Transfrontier cooperation in the North Calotte Area Landscapes: Finland, Sweden and Norway
- Mr Tapio HEIKKILÄ, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of the Environment, Finland (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Sari SIVONEN, Planner Specialist, Lapland Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, Finland (speech and ppt.)
Landscapes of the Douro, at the border: the isolation of identities and the challenge of economic cooperation
- Mr Joaquín ROMANO VELASCO, Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Valladolid, Spain (speech, ppt and Film Arribes Everything Else is Noise)
- Mr Emilio PEREZ CHINARRO, Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Valladolid, Spain (speech and ppt.)
The Green Belt of Fennoscandia: prospective project of international cross-border cooperation in joint research and use of natural and cultural landscapes
- Mrs Olga BAKHMET, Secretary for Science, Leading Research Associate of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation (speech and ppt.)
Workshop 5 – Transfrontier landscapes to be revealed
- Mr Tapio HEIKKILÄ, Senior Environmental Adviser, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
- Mr Jean-François SEGUIN, Honorary Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, France
- Mrs Maria José FESTAS, Honorary Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Portugal
The MEDSCAPES Initiative: the landscape character assessment, as a tool for the conservation of natural values of the Eastern Mediterranean
- Mrs Phaedon ENOTIADES, Senior Official, Department of Town Planning and Housing, Ministry of Interior, Cyprus (speech and ppt.)
A Landscape Observatory of the Tagus River: relevance of the transfrontier cooperation between Spain and Portugal
- Mrs Maria do ROSÁRIO OLIVEIRA, Professor of Geography and Regional planning, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon, Portugal (speech and ppt.)
Small historic towns and their landscapes along the European Green Belt, following the former Iron Curtain
- Mrs Brigitte KREUZHUBER MACARIA, Secretary General of ECOVAST Austria (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Arthur SPIEGLER, Vice President of ECOVAST International, Chairman of Landscape Working Group, Austria (speech and ppt.)
Changing character of transfrontier landscapes, case studies: Hungary-Austria, Hungary-Slovenia, Germany-France
Cross-Border Landscape Character Assessment: West-Flanders (Belgium) and Nord-Pas-de-Calais (France)
- Mr Niels DABAUT, Researcher, Ghent University, Belgium (speech and ppt.)
ECSLAND Project: European Culture expressed in Sacred Landscapes
- Mrs Gloria PUNGETTI, Professor, University of Cambridge, Darwin College, United Kingdom (speech and ppt.)
Workshop 6 – Landscape for living, together
- Mrs Ana SCHOEBEL, Senior Official, Spanish Historical Heritage Institute, Spain
- Mr Rui Manuel AMARO ALVES, Director General for Spatial Planning and Urban Development, Portugal
- Mr Giovanni MANIERI ELIA, Senior Official, Service responsible of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry for Heritage, Cultural activities and Tourism, Italy (Speech)
The Latin American Landscape Initiative LALI: the landscape of life
- Mrs Martha FAJARDO, Landscape Architect, Honorary Chair of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), Representative of the Latin American Landscape Initiative, Columbia (speech and ppt.)
Transborder cooperation for Marinescapes
- Mrs Inge GOTZMANN, Director of the Bund Heimat und Umwelt (BHU) and President of CIVILSCAPE, Germany (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Tomas OLSSON, Senior Official, Committee of Cultural Affairs, Region of Västra Götaland, Sweden (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Dirk GOTZMANN, Director of CIVILSCAPE, Germany (speech and ppt.)
Adriatic Cross-Border Initiative Greece-Albania: from neighbourhood to partnership, talking about our place
- Mrs Aphrodite SOROTOU, Head of Scientific Secretariat of the Mediterranean Institute for Nature and Anthropos (Med-INA), Greece (speech, ppt. and Film Greece Balkans-Workshops)
Touristic values of the transfrontiers parks of the Lake Prespa
- Mr Laci SABRI, Professor Doctor, Responsible of the Department of Geography, University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Geography, Albania (speech and ppt.)
Intercontinental Biosphere Reserve of the Mediterranean: a model of cross-border cooperation
- Mr Abdelouahab IDELHADJ, Professor at the University Abdelmalek Essaadi, Tanger-Tetuan, Responsible of the Club heritage, development and citizenship, Morroco (speech, ppt. and film)
Reflections on a journey of alternative landscapes and sustainable routes
- Mrs Claudia ZANFI, Director of Green Island, Expert on history of art and culture, Italy (speech and ppt.)
Experiences related to heritage and cultural landscape protection, planning and management in the cross-border region of Dubrovnik, Croatia and Boka Kotorska, Montenegro, gained form the Project “Heritage – driver of development”
- Mrs Aleksandra KAPETANOVIC, Responsible of the Center for sustainable spatial development, EXPEDITIO, Montenegro (Speech)
Work in the transborder region of Alentejo, Centro (Portugal and Extremadura (Spain) in the definition of local landscape units
- Mrs Teresa BATISTA, PhD on Environmental Sciences, ECT, Department of Landscape, Environmental and Management (DPAO), ICAAM, University of Évora, Portugal
- Mrs Urve SINIJÄRV, Senior Officer, Ministry of the Environment, Estonia
- Mr William CUMMING, Principal Officer, National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, Department of Arts, Heritage and Gaeltacht, Ireland
With the participation of:
Representatives of the Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP) of the Council of Europe, the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention and other Steering Committees of the Council of Europe
- Mrs Anna STEINER, Deputy Head of Department for International Cultural Affairs, Federal Chancellery, Austria
- Mrs Sanja ŠABAN, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Culture, Croatia
- Mr Peter ROS, Senior Officer, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Netherlands
Representatives of non-governmental organisations
- Mrs Cristiana STORELLI, International Landscape Workshop, Switzerland
- Mr Felice SPINGOLA, President of the scientific Committee of the Pan Studi Centre, Italy
National and regional policies
National policy of Italia for the landscape
- Mr Giovanni MANIERI ELIA, Senior Official, Service responsible of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Ministry for Heritage, Cultural activities and Tourism, Italy (speech and ppt.)
Regional poliy of Catalonia for the landscape
- Mr Agustí SERRA MONTÉ, Director General of Spatial planning and urbanism, Generalitat of Catalonia, Spain (speech)
Actions for the landscape
The landscape dimension of the green infrastructure of urban areas in Central Europe
- Mr Marek DEGORSKI, Director of the Institute of Geography and Spatial Organisation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (ppt.)
The experience of one City: Larissa
Andalusia, the landscape knows no boundary (speech)
For the implementation of Article 9 of the European Landscape Convention and other legal instruments
- Mrs Eva GAMERO RUIZ, Inspector of Regional Planning and Urbanism, Junta de Andalusia, Sevilla, Spain
- Mrs Maria Gema MACÍAS SAÑUDO, Inspector Regional Planning and Urbanism, Junta de Andalusia, Sevilla, Spain (film)
Works of Landscape for
- Mr Paolo CASTELNOVI, President, Association Landscape for, Torino, Italy (ppt.)
An Observatory of Cultural Landscape of the Po Delta (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Donatella DIOLAITI, Green Design Lab Plus
- Mrs Silvana LUCIANI, Green Design Lab Plus
Experiences related to heritage and cultural landscape protection, planning and management in the cross-border region of Dubrovnik, Croatia and Boka Kotorska, Montenegro gained form the Project “Heritage – driver of development”
Partners in the project “Heritage – Driver of Development”:
- Mrs Marina OREB, Mrs Barbara SAVIN, Mr Stjepko KOVAČIĆ, Mrs Silvana TASLAMAN, Physical Planning Institute of Dubrovnik-Neretva County, Croatia
- Mrs Marija NIKOLIĆ, Cultural Heritage Association NAPREDAK Gornja Lastva
- Mrs Aleksandra KAPETANOVIĆ, EXPEDITIO – Center for Sustainable Spatial Development, Montenegro
Work in the transborder region of Alentejo, Centro (Portugal and Extremadura (Spain) in the definition of local landscape units
- Mrs Teresa BATISTA, PhD on Environmental Sciences, ECT, Department of Landscape, Environmental and Management (DPAO), ICAAM, University of Évora, Portugal (ppt.)
- Mrs Mireille DECONINCK, Attachée, Public Service of the Walloon Region, Division of Spatial Planning and Urbanism, Belgium
- Mr Marc ROSSELL, Director of Environment, Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable development, Andorra
Presentations of the General conclusions of the workshops by the Rapporteurs
- Mrs Natàlia ROVIRA, Responsible for Strategy and Communication, Ministry of the Environment, Agriculture and Sustainable Development, Andorra (speech and ppt.)
- Mr Yves LUGINBÜHL, Agronomist and Geographer, Research Director Emeritus of the National Centre for Scientific Research, France (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Annalisa CALCAGNO MANIGLIO, Professor Emeritus of Landscape Architecture, Genoa, Italy (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Margarita ORTEGA, Honorary Member of the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Spatial/Regional Planning (CEMAT) and implementation of the European Landscape Convention, Spain (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Maria José FESTAS, Honorary Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Portugal (speech and ppt.)
- Mrs Liv Kirstine MORTENSEN, Chair of the Council of Europe Conference on the European Landscape Convention, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation, Department of Planning, Norway (speech)
- Mrs Maguelonne DEJEANT-PONS, Executive Secretary of the European Landscape Convention, Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape of the Council of Europe (speech)
- M. Jordi TORRES, Minister of Spatial Planning of Andorra (speech)