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  • Joint statement by Council of Europe authorities marking the beginning of the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

    Strasbourg, France,

    ''The Council of Europe was created 60 years ago with the aim of achieving greater unity between its members. The year 2009 is an opportunity to mark this anniversary and to look towards the future and the challenges it brings'', stated Miguel ngel Moratinos, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and Spains Minister for Foreign Affairs and Co-operation, Llus Maria De Puig, President of the Parliamentary Assembly, and Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe.

  • Opening of the judicial year of the European Court of Human Rights and seminar

    Strasbourg, France,

    The opening of the judicial year of the European Court of Human Rights is officially marking the start of the Strasbourg Courts 50th anniversary year. One hundred and fifty eminent figures from the European judicial scene attended a seminar organised for the occasion. Launch of a new film on the Court.

  • 1st Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Social Cohesion

    Moscow, Russia,

    In the context of the world economic crisis, the Ministers responsible for social cohesion in the member states meet to reinforce their political commitment in favour of an equal access of all to social rights, in order to improve stability and well-being in society

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  • "Central and Eastern Europe as an area of democracy, rule of law and protection of human rights"

    Szklarska Poreba, Poland,

    Conference on the Council of Europe influence on the transformation of systems 1989-2009.

  • Launch of the 50th anniversary website of the European Court of Human Rights

    Strasbourg, France,

    The fiftieth anniversary of the European Court of Human Rights is being celebrated throughout 2009 with a series of initiatives, including the launch on 20 April of a >special event-oriented website that will be enhanced and up-dated in the course of the year.

    The website is being launched because it was exactly 50 years ago, on 20 April 1959, that the Court was inaugurated, on the tenth anniversary of the Council of Europe.

  • Parliamentary Assembly ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

    Strasbourg, France, 12.45

    The Ceremony includes: speech by Parliamentary Assembly President, Llus Maria de Puig; film with extracts of the most important political speeches held during sessions; playing of the European anthem by the Chamber Music Orchestra from the 'Opra du Rhin'

    More information on the Assembly session

  • Launch of the Council of Europe 60th anniversary website

    Strasbourg, France,

    Launch of ''virtual open doors'' (possibility to visit all of the Council of Europe premises online)

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  • "The future of Europes oldest organisation"

    Paris, France, 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm

    Catherine Lalumire, president of the 'Maison de lEurope' in Paris and former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, will chair and lead this conference. Among the participants will be Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni, Director General of Education, Culture and Heritage, Youth and Sport at the Council of Europe; Paul Collowald, once Le Mondes Strasbourg correspondent and now an honorary Director-General at both the European Commission and European Parliament; Thibault Courcelle, a geopolitical researcher at the French Institute of Geopolitics, part of Paris 8 University, who has written a thesis on "The Council of Europe, implications and representations"; Jean-Pierre Gouzy, vice-president of the Maison de lEurope in Paris; Jean-Louis Laurens, Director General of Democracy and Political Affairs at the Council of Europe; and Paul Sabourin, professor at the Sorbonne.

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  • "The Council of Europe - promoter of democracy"

    Bucharest, Romania,

    Anniversary meeting and launch of the Council of Europe publication "Handbook on values for life in a democracy"

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  • Commemorative ceremony marking the signing of the London Statute of the Council of Europe

    London, United Kingdom,

    The ceremony, taking place at Lancaster House, gathers 200 guests including high civil servants from the UK administration, Ambassadors and Council of Europe leaders.

    Also organised, a photo exhibition about historic moments of the United Kingdom and the Council of Europe and a Youth seminar.

  • National Parliament : "Europe is more than you think"

    Skopje, "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia",

    The National Assembly, the Council of Europe Office in Skopje and the European Movement organise a speech competition for law students. The event starts with a Solemn Academy opened by the Speaker of the Parliament, Mr. Trajko Veljanovski.

    The best speeches are awarded with a Monograph of the National Assembly and some Council of Europe information material. The event is aired live on the Third channel of the Macedonian National television.

  • Round Table "Protection of Human Rights - 60 years after the establishment of the Council of Europe"

    Skopje, "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia",

    Organised by the National Parliament, the Council of Europe Office on Skopje and the European Movement branch.

    The debate includes 40 MPs, government representatives and NGO activists and is be opened by the Parliament Speaker Trajko Veljanovski, chaired by Oliver Shambevski, Head of the National Delegation to PACE. The discussions are aired live on the Third Channel of the Macedonian National TV.

  • Debate "Building a Europe for and with Children" - The role of the European Parliaments in the protection of children rights

    Skopje, "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia",

    The National Parliament, the Council of Europe Office in Skopje and the European Movement branch organise a debate on "The role of European Parliaments in the promotion and protection of children rights". The debate is opened by the Parliament Speaker, Trajko Veljanovski, moderated by Ermira Mehmeti, MP and Gjorgji Jovanovski from the Council of Europe Office, and initiates a debate among the MPs, former Ambassadors to Strasbourg, Government representatives, intelectuals and children. The debate is aired live at the Third Channel of the Macedonian National TV.

  • Council of Europe common legal space

    Seville, Spain,

    Congress organised by the Spanish Association of International Law Professors and the Universities of Seville and Huelva, where international law experts and professors gather to discuss the ''Council of Europe common legal space''.
    Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, opens the congress. Marcelino Oreja, who was Secretary General of the organisation between 1984 and 1989, gives the keynote speech. Lluis Maria de Puig, President of the Parliamentary Assembly, closes the meeting together with Fuensanta Coves, President of the Andalusian Parliament.
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  • Cultural event to mark the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

    Madrid, Spain,

    In the framework of the Spanish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers

  • 119th Session of the Committee of Ministers

    Madrid, Spain,

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    And meeting of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly

  • ''Open doors'' day at the Palais de lEurope combined with the ''Night of Museums''

    Strasbourg, France,

    At 2 pm, launch by La Poste in France of stamps commemorating the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe and the 50th anniversary of the European Court of Human Rights

    From 6 pm to 1 am, tour of the art collection of the Council of Europe.

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  • Special Session of the Parliament of Finland

    Helsinki, Finland,

    On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Finland's accession to the Council of Europe and the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe, with the participation of the President of the Republic, Tarja Halonen, and other invited guests, followed by a reception of the Speaker of Parliament

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  • The Council of Europe guest of honour at the Warsaw International Book Fair

    Warsaw, Poland,

    Presentation stand organised by the Council of Europe and its Information Office in Warsaw: Europe is more than you think.

    A concert is organised in the framework of the Fair, on 20 May.

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    Photo gallery

  • Council of Europe and Court-judicial reforms in Azerbaijan Republic

    Baku, Azerbaijan,

    Organised by the Azerbaijan Lawyers Confederation, the Association of the Judges of the General Courts of Azerbaijan Republic and the Council of Europe, the conference focuses on the role of the judges in implementation of the case law of the European Court of Human Rights in courts practice according to the Decree of President of Azerbaijan Republic dated 19 January 2006

  • Ministerial Conference on the Media and New Communication Services - A new notion of media?

    Reykjavik, Iceland,

    The social, cultural and technological changes that are occurring today have a dramatic impact on the media. The Council of Europe decided to address fundamental questions that will set the working direction for the coming years to meet these new challenges.

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  • Photo exhibition - Council of Europe Decades

    Tbilissi, Georgia,

    Dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of Georgia's accession to the Council of Europe and the 60th anniversary of the Organisation

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  • Congress of Local and Regional Authorites Standing Committee

    Ljubljana, Slovenia,

    Follow-up of the Madrid Ministerial Session (12 May 2009)

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  • Amicale - Council of Europe staff association - concert with the participation of the UNESCO Orchestra and Chorus

    Strasbourg, France, 7.30 pm

    The concert takes place at the Hemicycle of the Palais de l'Europe

  • 29th session of the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Family Affairs

    Vienna, Austria,

    Conference Theme:
    Public policies supporting the wish to have children - societal, economic and personal factors

    - Why many Europeans have fewer children than they actually want: Societal and economic factors
    - Family-friendly policies: measures for an optimal framework
    - The unfulfilled wish to have children: personal factors and children's best interests.

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  • 29th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Justice

    Troms, Norway,

    The Ministers of Justice discuss ways to combat domestic violence by identifying the problems and developing and promoting a common approach to breaking the silence, and supporting and empowering the victims.

    The 29th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Justice opens a forum for exchange of views on these issues and identify areas where further efforts are needed to tackle this problem in Europe.

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  • Amicale - Council of Europe staff association - festive and commemorative celebration

    Strasbourg, France, As from 5 pm

    A festive celebration takes place at the Palais de l'Europe

  • Parliamentary Assembly session

    Strasbourg, France,

    Award of first Parliamentary Assembly Human Rights Prize on the occasion of the Assembly debate Human Rights in Europe

  • ''Global challenges to democracy''

    Strasbourg, France,

    Fourth Summer University for Democracy

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  • ''Azerbaijan Council of Europe Cultural Cooperation - Oppurtunities and Perspectives''

    Baku, Azerbaijan,


  • Participation in SZIGET Festival

    Budapest, Hungary,

    The European Youth Centre Budapest, in co-operation with the Council of Europe Information and Documentation Centre Hungary offers human rights awareness activities to a large international (mainly youth) public, including a five-day long Living Library dedicated to the 60thanniversary. This very popular open-air music festival in Europe festival is visited by approximately 400.000 visitors. Photo gallery

  • Youth Event

    Brdo Pri Kranju, Slovenia,

    Organised by the European Youth Forum in collaboration with the Slovenian Office of Youth and the National Youth Council of Slovenia , the youth event is an opportunity for young people to celebrate the Council of Europes 60th anniversary and acknowledge the previous work of the Organisation, while at the same time promote a new approach for the future a rights-based approach. The youth event brings together young people from all over Europe to meet with representatives from the Council of Europe and other relevant organisations, as well as experts in the field of youth rights. It serves as a platform of discussion and debate, with the aim of adopting a common view, a celebratory declaration on the need for a rights-based approach to youth, of the young people of Europe, to be handed over to the Council of Europe.

  • What future for human rights and democracy in Europe? The role of the Council of Europe

    Paris, France,

    Conference in association with the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly with representatives of academia, civil society and youth. Follow-up of the Madrid Ministerial Session (12 May 2009).

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  • ''Open doors'' day at the Human Rights Building as part of the European Heritage Days

    Strasbourg, France,

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  • Parliamentary Assembly session

    Strasbourg, France,

    Debate by the Assembly of a report from the Political Affairs Committee on the proposals contained in the follow-up to Madrid (to be confirmed)

  • Ceremony marking the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe

    Strasbourg, France,

    Ceremony including institutional commemoration, award of the youth essay writing competition prizes, commemorative concert and festivities.

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  • 17th session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities

    Strasbourg, France,

    Debate on local and regional democracy

  • Forum on Human Rights Education

    Budapest, Hungary,

    Organised by the Directorate of Youth and Sport at the European Youth Centre Budapest, this forum will associate young people with the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe and consolidate human rights education with and by young people. The forum will bring together some 200 practitioners of human rights education using non-formal learning approaches such as those of Compass, the manual on human rights education with young people.

  • 23rd Edition of the Prix Europa

    Berlin, Germany,

    Berlin hosts the 23rd Prix Europa festival, at which awards are presented to the best European television, radio and new media productions. The 2009 festival (the Secretary General of the Council of Europe has been a ''gold sponsor'' of the Prix Europa since 2006) has as its theme the 60th anniversary of the Council of Europe.

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  • Forum for the Future of Democracy

    Kyiv, Ukraine,

    Theme: Electoral systems

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  • Conference of European Ministers responsible for local and regional authorities

    Utrecht, The Netherlands,

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  • Mugam Jazz Concert

    Strasbourg, France, 7.30 pm

    The concert is given in the Auditorium of ''Cit de la Musique et de la Danse'' by the pianist Shahin Novrasli, Montreux Jazz Festival winner for 2007.

  • Forum of the Intercultural Cities

    Bari, Italy,

    Conference ''Local communities and the policies of hospitality and integration in Europe and in the Mediterranean''

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