Back Burmych and Others v. Ukraine

Important information for the attention of the applicants
Burmych and Others v. Ukraine

 Інформація українською мовою                                Информация на русском языке

As indicated in the Court’s judgment in the Burmych and Others case all applications concerned by this judgment, both those that were pending before the Court when the judgment was delivered (listed in the appendices to the judgment) and future similar applications, should now be dealt with by the national authorities in the framework of the general measures of execution required by the Yuriy Nikolayevich Ivanov pilot judgment. It is recalled that this judgment obliges the Ukrainian authorities to provide redress for the non-enforcement or delayed enforcement of domestic judicial decisions.

In accordance with the above, applicants concerned should address :

  • Written communications directly to the Government Agent of Ukraine at the Ministry of Justice, 13 Horodetskoho St., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine.
  • Telephone calls and emails: individuals (and groups of them): +38 (044) 486-71-76,; organizations: +38 (044) 279-17-35,

Please note that the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights will not process communications relating to applications concerned.

Strasbourg 9 November 2017
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