Estonia: Amendments to the Imprisonment Act shortening the maximum solitary confinement sentence
On 5 February, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgment in Schmidt and Šmigol v. Estonia concerning protracted periods of solitary confinement. On 1 April 2024, the Estonian Imprisonment Act was amended to ensure that the time served...
Lithuania: Law imposing restrictions on information on same sex relationships is unconstitutional
In December 2024, the Lithuanian Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional1 the provision of the Law on the Protection of Minors against the Detrimental Effect of Public Information, prohibiting inter alia the dissemination of public information that portrays same-sex relationships as...
Netherlands: Supreme Court amends its case-law to ensure defendants’ rights to cross-examine witnesses
On 11 December, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Keskin and Safsafi judgments, concerning violations of defendants’ rights under Article 6 §§ 1 and 3(d) of the European Convention. The cases pertained to the domestic courts’ refusal, for reasons not in line...
United Kingdom: Secret surveillance regime adjusted to Convention standards
At its meeting on 11 December, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Big Brother Watch and Others group, which concerns violations of Articles 8 and 10 of the Convention due to shortcomings in the secret surveillance regime including bulk interception and...
Romania: Committee of Ministers welcomes the commitment of Romanian authorities to execute the European Court’s judgments on conditions of detention
At its Human Rights meeting on 3-5 December, the Committee of Ministers welcomed the commitment of the Romanian authorities to thoroughly execute the judgments concerning the conditions of detention in Romania, notably in the Bragadireanu and Rezmives and Others group of cases. The Committee...
Austria: Committee of Ministers ends its supervision of a case concerning disclosure of personal data in the public land register
At its meeting on 11 December, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Liebscher v. Austria judgment, which concerns a violation of the applicant’s right to respect for his private life due to the domestic courts’ failure to conduct, in 2016, a comprehensive...
Germany: Committee of Ministers ends its supervision of a case concerning ineffective investigations into allegations of police racial profiling
At its Human Rights meeting on 3-5 December, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Basu v. Germany judgment which concerns the authorities’ failure to ascertain through an independent body that an effective investigation is carried out by the State authorities...
Germany: Committee of Ministers ends its supervision of cases concerning inheritance rights of children born out of wedlock
At its Human Rights meeting on 3-5 December, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Mitzinger and Wolter and Sarfert v. Germany judgments. The cases concern the exclusion of children (the applicants) born outside wedlock from asserting inheritance rights in...
France repeals the increase in taxable income for non-members of a management body approved by the tax authorities
At its meeting on 23 October, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Waldner v. France case. In this case, the applicant, a lawyer, was subject to a 25% increase in his taxable income for the years 2006 to 2011, for having refused to join a management body...
France: Committee of Ministers ends its supervision of a case concerning the collection and retention of personal data in the context of blood donation
At its meeting on 9 October, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the Drelon v. France judgment. This case concerns the disproportionate interference with the applicant's right to respect for his private and family life (Article 8 of the Convention), as a result of...
Slovenia : Introduction of legal remedy for former holders of cancelled shares and bonds
At its Human Rights meeting on 17-19 September, the Committee of Ministers noted with satisfaction the enactment by the Slovenian parliament in May 2024 of the Law on the Judicial Protection for Former Holders of Eligible Liabilities of Banks (“the 2024 Law”), providing the former holders of...
Poland: Committee of Ministers welcomes the commitment of the Polish authorities to execute the European Court’s judgments concerning the rule of law
At its Human Rights meeting on 17-19 September, the Committee of Ministers welcomed the commitment of the Polish authorities to thoroughly execute the judgments concerning the rule of law in Poland, notably in the cases of Xero Flor w Polsce Sp. z o.o., Reczkowicz group of cases, Wałęsa pilot...
Italy: Committee of Ministers ends its supervision of a case concerning the excessive length of administrative proceedings
At its Human Rights meeting on 17-19 September, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the Abenavoli v. Italy judgment, which has been the leading case to a group of cases concerning violations of Article 6 of the Convention on account of the excessive length of administrative...
Romania: Committee of Ministers welcomes progress in reducing the length of proceedings and the availability of an effective compensatory remedy
At its Human Rights meeting on 17-19 September, the Committee of Ministers welcomed the significant progress achieved in reducing the length of judicial proceedings in Romania, as a result of the wide-ranging general measures adopted by the authorities, including new Codes of Civil and Criminal...
Ireland: Committee of Ministers welcomes new remedy for lengthy proceedings
At its Human Rights meeting on 17-19 September, the Committee welcomed the enactment of the Court Proceedings (Delays) Act 2024 on 1 May 2024, which establishes a statutory remedy for excessive length of proceedings and provides individuals with a right to seek a declaration and compensation for...
Denmark: Authorities amend legislation and adapt practice to prevent disproportionate expulsion decisions
At its 1507th DH meeting in September 2024, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgments Savran and Abdi. The cases concern expulsion orders combined with long-term or permanent re-entry bans following criminal convictions. Both applicants...
Serbia: Minister of Interior enacts Rules regulating the issuing of travel document for refugees
In July, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgment in S.E. v. Serbia. This case concerns the Serbian authorities’ refusal to issue a travel document to the refugee applicant, owing to a failure by the respective Ministers of the Interior to...
Bulgaria: Criminal Code amended to classify homophobic attacks as aggravated criminal offences
In June, the Committee ended its supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgment in the Stoyanova v. Bulgaria case. This case concerns the domestic courts’ failure to consider the murder motive related to the victim’s presumed sexual orientation as an aggravating factor. The...
Bulgaria: the Committee of Ministers welcomes substantial improvement of prison conditions and progress regarding preventive and compensatory remedies in this respect
At its Human Rights meeting on 11-13 June, the Committee of Ministers welcomed the significant progress achieved by the Bulgarian authorities in eradicating prison overcrowding and substantially improving material conditions of detention. It recalled that the European Court considered that the...
Armenia: Committee of Ministers notes significant developments and progress achieved in reforming prison healthcare system
At its Human Rights meeting on 11-13 June, the Committee noted the significant developments and progress achieved through a series of general measures adopted by the authorities to reform the prison healthcare system, examined in the framework of the Ashot Harutyunyan group of cases. In...
Bulgaria: the Committee of Ministers strongly welcomes the establishment of a constitutional basis for independent investigation of a Chief Prosecutor
This case primarily concerns the lack of guarantees in Bulgarian law for the independence of criminal investigations concerning the Chief Prosecutor and other high-ranking officials close to him/her. The Committee of Ministers has previously identified the execution of this judgment as an...
Türkiye: the Committee of Ministers welcomes practical impact on the Alevi community of the authorities’ measures
On 11 June, the Committee of Ministers decided to end its supervision of the execution of the İzzettin Doğan and Others case following the measures taken by Turkish authorities. In the İzzettin Doğan and Others case the applicants complained about the authorities’ refusal to provide the followers...
Bulgaria: the Committee of Ministers welcomes constitutional amendments establishing a new Supreme Judicial Council elected in line with the Venice Commission’s recommendations
At its Human Rights meeting on 11-13 June, the Committee of Ministers examined the case of Miroslava Todorova v. Bulgaria. The applicant in this case is a judge who, in her previous role as president of the main professional association of judges in Bulgaria, criticised the Supreme Judicial...
Romania: Government adopts national action plan on mental health care and disability rights
At its Human Rights meeting held on 11-13 June, the Committee of Ministers welcomed the recent adoption by the Romanian Government of a national action plan for the execution of the European Court’s judgments finding serious deficiencies in the mental health care system and regarding the...
Ukraine: the Committee of Ministers welcomes the implementation of safeguards on legal representation and admissibility of evidence
On 11 June, the Committee of Ministers decided that the supervision of the Balitskiy group of cases can be continued under the standard supervision procedure given the progress made by the Ukrainian authorities in the execution of these judgments. This group concerns the applicants’ convictions...
Finland: New safeguards for decisions on extension of confinement in psychiatric hospital and forcible administration of medication
On 12 March 2024, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgment in X v. Finland concerning extensions of confinement in psychiatric hospitals and forcible administration of medication without adequate legal safeguards. The case had been pending...
Spain: Recent good practices in the field of execution of the European Court's judgments
Legislative reforms, which entered into force on 20 March 2024, established the possibility for the Spanish Government Agent’s Office to intervene in proceedings initiated before the Supreme Court by applicants seeking the reopening of domestic proceedings following a judgment of the European...
Croatia: Legislative changes adopted to provide global solution to the protected lease scheme issue and to ensure an effective remedy to complain about excessive length of civil proceedings
On 14 March 2024, the Croatian Parliament adopted two laws to execute the European Court's judgments. In particular, the law was adopted to resolve the long standing issue concerning the statutory limitations on the landlords’ use of flats subject to protected tenancy (Statileo v. Croatia group)....
Belgium: the Committee of Ministers ends its supervision of a case concerning a refusal to authorise the return of bodies for funeral abroad
The Committee of Ministers just ended its supervision of the execution of the Aygün v. Belgium judgment. This case concerns an infringement of the applicants' right to privacy (Article 8) and freedom of religion (Article 9), as a result of a Belgian investigating judge's refusal in September 2010...
Romania: Judicial reform introducing safeguards for judges against suspension from office
On 8 November 2023, the Committee of Ministers ended its supervision of the execution of the European Court’s judgment in the case of Camelia Bogdan v. Romania. This case concerns the denial of access to a court due to the impossibility for the applicant, a former career judge, to challenge her...