Atrás Local self-government in Armenia: positive developments but still room for progress

Local self-government in Armenia: positive developments but still room for progress

Despite positive developments in local self-government in Armenia, the powers of the municipalities have not been extended, their role in delivering public services remains limited, and local authorities are not provided with sufficient funding, says the monitoring report adopted today by the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, which also provides recommendations to the Armenian government on improving the situation.

The report based on a country visit in May 2019 welcomes that Armenia has ratified all the provisions of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. It also welcomes the consolidation of communities and the legislative initiatives by the government regarding local referendums, public hearings and financial assistance to municipalities.

Despite these good developments, the powers and duties of the municipalities have not been extended to allow them to manage a substantial share of public affairs under their own responsibility. The municipalities have a limited role in delivering public services, which runs counter to the principle of subsidiarity.

Besides, there is no legally guaranteed consultation procedure between the central government and municipalities, local authorities are not involved in an appropriate manner in the decision-making process concerning their finances, and local communities are not consulted on the changes to their boundaries.

  Congress website

Congress Strasbourg 21 June 2021
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