Practices were provided for the following countries: Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Iceland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and elsewhere. One submission was provided by Mental Health Europe that contained multiple practices (Submission 27).

The practices have been arranged according to their setting and aim. The relevant areas that appeared in the good practices are:

  • Hospitalbased practices (11 practices);
  • ‘Community’based or non-hospital practices (8 practices); and
  • Hybrid practices in which efforts were made to better integrate hospital and non-hospital initiatives, acute and non-acute services (6 practices)
  • Other initiatives toward reduction of coercion and promotion of voluntary practices, including advance planning mechanisms, peer support and the peer workforce, and training for mental health practitioners and others (6 practices)

Within each category, the practices are arranged in alphabetical order.