Back GRETA’s new report on Serbia

The authorities must do to more to reduce children’s vulnerability to trafficking, improve assistance to victims

In a report published today, the Council of Europe’s anti-trafficking expert group (GRETA) assesses developments since the publication of its first evaluation report on Serbia in January 2014 on the implementation of the Council of Europe’s Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. (see the Serbian version of the report)

According to the report, the legal and institutional framework for combatting human trafficking in Serbia has evolved, but efforts should be stepped up to reduce children’s vulnerability to trafficking and improve the identification of and assistance to child victims.

The report welcomes the adoption of the Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Trafficking in Human Beings for the period 2017-2022 and the setting up of the Office for Co-ordinating Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.

Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) Strasbourg 29 January 2018
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