Back Respect for Council of Europe commitments is an ‘essential stage’ on Ukraine’s path to European integration

President of the Parliamentary Assembly

"I welcome the clear willingness expressed by Ukraine's highest authorities to scrupulously respect their obligations and commitments to the Council of Europe, as well as the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights," said Jean-Claude Mignon, President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), speaking today in Kyiv.

Following a meeting with President Yanukovich during an official visit to the country, Jean-Claude Mignon said that respect for these commitments would be an essential stage on Ukraine's path to European integration. In particular, he invited the authorities to pursue reform without hesitation or delay, ensuring that constitutional reform was among the main priorities.

Other priorities should be revising the laws critical for the smooth functioning of justice, in particular the law on the Office of the prosecutor and the laws on the judicial system and the status of judges, as well as reform of the police and improvements foreseen to electoral legislation. The President encouraged Ukraine to intensify its co-operation with Council of Europe bodies in carrying out these reforms, especially with the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission). (more...)

Read also:
Ukraine and the Council of Europe

Strasbourg 27/03/2013
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