Back SRSG on migration and refugees: visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Tomáš Boček

Tomáš Boček

The Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG), Ambassador Tomáš Boček, will be visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina from 24 to 27 July 2018.

He will have meetings with the government officials and representatives of relevant international organisations to discuss the current migratory challenges Bosnia and Herzegovina is facing as Council of Europe member state, in view of the increasing arrivals this year.

On 25 July 2018 the Special Representative will attend the Council of Europe Development bank’s (CEB) signature ceremony of a grant agreement with IOM. The CEB will support Bosnia and Herzegovina authorities with EUR 1 million in setting up a reception/transit facility for up-to 400 persons in Ušivak, near Sarajevo. The grant will contribute to ensuring the basic needs and human rights of migrants and refugees currently present in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The Special Representative will also visit reception and detention centres in the area of Sarajevo and Mostar.

Previously, the Special Representative has visited in the region Greece and "the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", Serbia and the transit zones in Hungary, as well as Bulgaria.

Special Representative of the Secretary General on Migration and Refugees (SRSG) Strasbourg 20 July 2018
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