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Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and for the Prevention of Crimes against Humanity

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers 27 January 2018 Strasbourg

On 27 January 1945, the concentration camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau – where more than one million people had been sent to gas chambers to perish during the Holocaust – was liberated. We mark this “Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust and for the Prevention of Crimes against Humanity” to honour the...

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Data Protection Day

Council of Europe 26 January 2018 Strasbourg

On 28 January the Council of Europe will celebrate the Data Protection Day, which marks the opening for signature in 1981 of the Council of Europe’s data protection convention, “Convention 108”. More than 50 countries around the world have already signed up to the convention, which sets out key...

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Time to renew our commitment and halt the deterioration of human rights

Commissioner for Human Rights 25 January 2018 Strasbourg

“In 2017 the human rights situation continued to deteriorate in many European countries. Old crises deepened, new crises emerged and commitment to human rights values and standards seemed to weaken”, said today Nils Muižnieks, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights while presenting...

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