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Austrian President reiterates attachment to the Council of Europe and its values

Parliamentary Assembly Session 25 January 2018 Strasbourg

In his speech, Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen made a strong commitment to Europe and its values, and reiterated Austria’s attachment to the Council of Europe. “Without the principles this organisation stands for,” he said, “we cannot have the Europe that we all want.” He stressed...

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Ceremony to mark International Day of Holocaust Commemoration

Secretary General 25 January 2018 Strasbourg

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland and Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen led tributes to the memory of Holocaust victims, at a ceremony outside the main Council of Europe building in Strasbourg. Other participants who made addresses and laid wreaths in front of the commemorative stone...

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Dunja Mijatović elected Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

Parliamentary Assembly Session 24 January 2018 Strasbourg

Dunja Mijatovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) was today elected as the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights by the Organisation’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) at its plenary session in Strasbourg. Ms Mijatovic was elected for a non-renewable term of six years starting on 1 April 2018. She...

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