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Age assessment of young migrants: child’s best interests must be safeguarded, invasive methods avoided

Council of Europe 20 September 2017 Strasbourg

A new report “Age assessment: Council of Europe member states’ policies, procedures and practices respectful of children’s rights in the context of migration” has been issued today. This report, prepared by an independent expert, is based on a survey conducted in 37 Council of Europe member...

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Human trafficking: Ireland urged to improve the identification and protection of victims

Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) 20 September 2017 Strasbourg

European anti-trafficking experts have urged the Irish authorities to improve the identification of human trafficking victims and to review the policy of housing presumed victims in accommodation centres for asylum seekers as a matter of priority. These are among the main recommendations in the...

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Anti-torture committee: New report on Slovenia

Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) 20 September 2017 Strasbourg

Overcrowding in prisons decreased, climate improved, but reservations exist about aliens legislation and means of restraint for psychiatric patients

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