Council of Europe pays respects to the victims of terrorism

Council of Europe 21 August 2024 Strasbourg

Terrorism and violent extremism continue to injure and kill thousands of innocent people each year. Terrorist attacks, and the violent and hateful ideologies that drive them, are contrary to the fundamental values of our societies and an affront to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. On...

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International Conference on the Abuse of Livestreaming, Gaming and Virtual Reality Services and Platforms by Terrorist Actors

7 November 2023 Strasbourg

On 6-7 November 2023, the Council of Europe Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT) held the International Conference on the Abuse of Livestreaming, Gaming and Virtual Reality Services and Platforms by Terrorist Actors at the Council of Europe headquarters and through Zoom. The Conference focused...

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The Council of Europe Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT) held its 11th Plenary meeting on 11 – 13 December in Helsinki, Finland

13 December 2023 Helsinki

The meeting focused on the negotiations on a pan-European definition of terrorism for the purposes of the Convention on the Prevention of Terrorism (CETS No 196). The new definition ensures that all contemporary and foreseeable manifestations of terrorism are adequately covered by the Convention....

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Anniversary of the Oslo and Utøya attacks: ‘We must keep on drawing the lessons from this terrorist act’ says PACE President

Council of Europe 22 July 2023 Strasbourg

“12 years ago, 77 innocent people were massacred in Norway by a far-right terrorist in what was the deadliest attack in Norway’s history since the end of World War II. The majority of victims were teenagers, participating in a socialist youth camp at the island of Utøya. I wish the families and...

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Council of Europe adopts new counter-terrorism strategy for 2023-2027

Council of Europe 8 February 2023 Strasbourg

Responding to the evolving nature of terrorism threats in Europe, the Council of Europe today adopted a counter-terrorism strategy for 2023-2027 which offers new tools and concrete responses to continuous and emerging challenges faced by state authorities. The strategy aims at strengthening...

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Estonia should continue to strengthen the private sector’s role and law enforcement efforts to combat money laundering and terrorism financing

Committee of Experts on the Evaluation of Anti-Money Laundering Measures and the Financing of Terrorism (MONEYVAL) 25 January 2023 Strasbourg

In a new report the Council of Europe’s anti-money laundering body MONEYVAL encourages Estonia to further strengthen measures to combat money laundering (ML) and financing of terrorism (FT), among others by re-enforcing the capacities and performance of the private sector and improving its law...

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Hungary: improvements in fighting money laundering and terrorist financing have led to upgraded ratings

MONEYVAL 8 June 2022 Strasbourg

Hungary has improved measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, demonstrating good progress in the level of compliance with the FATF (Financial Action Task Force) standards, according to a new follow-up report by the Council of Europe anti-money laundering body MONEYVAL. The...

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Foreign terrorist fighters: new recommendation on the use of information collected in conflict zones as evidence in criminal proceedings

Committee of Ministers 30 March 2022 Strasbourg

The Committee of Ministers has adopted a Recommendation on the use of information collected in conflict zones as evidence in criminal proceedings related to terrorist offences. Prepared by the Committee on Counter-Terrorism (CDCT), the Recommendation provides guidance to member States on the...

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Council of Europe recommends measures to protect children against radicalisation

Committee of Ministers 20 October 2021 Strasbourg

As some children may be particularly vulnerable to messaging by terrorist associations and groups, including via social media, the Council of Europe has recommended a set of measures to help its 47 member states better protect children against radicalisation for the purpose of terrorism. Prepared...

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MONEYVAL recognises progress made by the Holy See and encourages it to further strengthen measures to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism

Moneyval 8 June 2021 Strasbourg

In a new report MONEYVAL encourages the Holy See (including the Vatican City State) to further strengthen measures to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism. The Council of Europe’s anti-money laundering body draws up a comprehensive assessment of the country’s level of compliance...

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Secretary General condemns Vienna terrorist attack

Secretary General 3 November 2020 Strasbourg

Statement by Marija Pejčinović Burić

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Council of Europe leaders condemn terrorist attack in Nice

Council of Europe 30 October 2020 Strasbourg

We are deeply shocked and saddened by the barbaric and cowardly terrorist act in Nice on Thursday. We condemn in the most vigorous way this heinous attack and we express our deepest condolences and our sympathy to the families of the victims. We also express our full and unconditional support and...

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Protecting victims of terrorism

Council of Europe 19 June 2019 Strasbourg

A workshop on the protection of victims of terrorist acts will be organised on Thursday 20 June in Strasbourg by the Council of Europe’s Steering Committee for Human Rights. Its aim is to raise awareness of the Council of Europe Guidelines (2017) on the protection of victims of terrorism and to...

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Terrorist attack in Strasbourg

Secretary General 12 December 2018 Strasbourg

Statement by Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland

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Shooting at the Strasbourg Christmas Market

Presidency of the Committee of Ministers 12 December 2018 Strasbourg

Statement by Timo Soini, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland

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Misuse of anti-terror legislation threatens freedom of expression

Commissioner for Human Rights 4 December 2018 Strasbourg

“When terrorism spreads, states are often tempted to restrict fundamental freedoms for the sake of fighting it and preventing further attacks”, says Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, in her Human Rights Comment published today. “Terrorism constitutes a serious...

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The Council of Europe adopts a new counter-terrorism strategy for 2018-2022

Council of Europe 04 July 2018 Strasbourg

In response to the acute terrorist threat in Europe, the Council of Europe today adopted a new strategy based on prevention, prosecution and protection, including assistance to victims. “We must improve the ability of our member states to prevent and combat terrorism, in full compliance with...

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Council of Europe adopts new recommendation on terrorists acting alone

Committee of Ministers 4 April 2018 Strasbourg

As Europe is confronted with returning terrorist fighters and lone-wolf terror attacks, the Council of Europe has recommended a set of measures to combat these dangers. In a recommendation adopted today, the Council’s Committee of Ministers reviews measures for preventing radicalisation, better...

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Terrorist attack in Trèbes (France): The Chairman of the Committee of Ministers expresses his sorrow and solidarity with the French authorities

Committee of Ministers 23 March 2018 Strasbourg

Following the deadly terrorist attack in Trèbes (France) earlier today, Minister Anders Samuelsen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, conveys his sincere condolences to the families of the victims and his sympathy for those...

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Le Secrétaire Général condamne les attaques de Carcassonne et Trèbes, en France

Secrétaire Général 23 mars 2018 Strasbourg

Le Secrétaire Général Thorbjørn Jagland a fait la déclaration suivante aujourd'hui : « Je condamne fermement les attaques perpétrées sur le sol de notre pays hôte, la France. Ces attaques ont lâchement ciblé des civils ainsi que des représentants des forces de l’ordre. Je salue l’action...

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International conference on links between organised crime and terrorism

Council of Europe 21 September 2017 Málaga

The Council of Europe, with the support of the City and the University of Málaga, is organising an international conference in Málaga (Spain) on 21 and 22 of September aimed at improving international co-operation to better address the interaction between transnational organised crime and...

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Respecting fundamental rights, security forces and fight against terrorism

Council of Europe 7 September 2017 Strasbourg

Conference held by Council of Europe and French Defender of Rights

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Terrorist attacks in Spain

Committee of Ministers 18 August 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Lubomír Zaorálek, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Violence in Barcelona is an attack on Europe’s freedom and democracy

Secretary General 18 August 2017 Strasbourg

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland today issued the following statement, “Innocent people – children, adults, residents and visitors to one of Europe’s most attractive touristic cities have been hit by cowardly acts of violence. I strongly condemn the heinous terrorist attacks in Barcelona. The...

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Conference on reporting about terrorism: challenges and ethical dilemmas

Council of Europe 16 June 2017 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe is organising a conference in Strasbourg on 19 June to discuss the responsibilities and the challenges that journalists face when reporting about terrorist attacks, including the widespread use of social media and the constraints created by anti-terrorist laws. The event...

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London terrorist attack

Chair of the Committee of Ministers 4 June 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Lubomír Zaorálek, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Statement by the Secretary General on the London attack

Secretary General 4 June 2017 Strasbourg

Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland made the following statement today following the attack in London last night that left several people dead and dozens wounded: "This was another cruel attack on our common values and freedoms. We stand united with our member state UK in the...

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Terrorist attack in Manchester

Chair of the Committee of Ministers 23 May 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Lubomír Zaorálek, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Secretary General expresses condolences to UK for victims of Manchester attack

Secretary General 23 May 2017 Strasbourg

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland has written a letter of condolence to UK Prime Minister Theresa May following the terrorist attack at a pop concert in Manchester which has left at least 22 people dead and 59 injured. He said he was shocked to hear the news and his thoughts were with the...

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Illicit trafficking and destruction of cultural property: Council of Europe’s new criminal law treaty opened for signature

Council of Europe 19 May 2017 Strasbourg

Six states signed today in Nicosia (Cyprus) the Council of Europe Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property. Armenia, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal and San Marino as well as Mexico, one of the Organisation’s observer states, were the first to sign the convention, which is open for signature...

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Victims of terrorism and refugees on agenda as Committee of Ministers meets in Cyprus

Committee of Ministers 17 May 2017 Strasbourg

Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Council of Europe’s 47 member states will meet in Nicosia (Cyprus) on 19 May. Agenda highlights include a new convention against trafficking of cultural property (including by terrorists who are financed by such trafficking), innovative guidelines to protect...

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Combatting illicit trafficking and destruction of cultural property: Council of Europe adopts new convention

Council of Europe 3 May 2017 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe today adopted a new criminal law convention to prevent and combat the illicit trafficking and destruction of cultural property, in the framework of the Organisation’s action to fight terrorism and organised crime. The Convention on Offences relating to Cultural Property,...

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Terrorist attack in Stockholm

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers 10 April 2017 Strasbourg

Statement from Ioannis Kasoulides, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus

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Stockholm attack

Secretary General 7 April 2017 Strasbourg

In a first reaction to the Stockholm truck attack today Secretary General Jagland said: “I am shocked by the sad news from Stockholm. It looks like another attack on our common values and freedoms, another attack on a vibrant European city. My thoughts go to Sweden and the people of Stockholm.”

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Saint-Petersburg metro attack: Secretary General conveys message of solidarity to Russian people

Secretary General 4 April 2017 Strasbourg

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, sent a letter to the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, today, following deadly attacks in the Saint-Petersburg metro on 3 April. "I was shocked and greatly saddened by the news of the deadly attack perpetrated...

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Attack in Saint Petersburg’s underground

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers 4 April 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Ioannis Kasoulides, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus

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G7-Culture Florence: Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland to present forthcoming Blood Antiquities Convention

Secretary General 29 March 2017 Strasbourg

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland will take part on 30-31 March in Florence (Italy) in the G7 Ministerial meeting on Culture: Culture as a tool for dialogue among peoples. The G7-Culture will focus on the protection of cultural heritage, fight against traffic of artistic and historic items and...

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Terrorist attack in London

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers 23 March 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Ioannis Kasoulides, Chair of the Committee of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus

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London attack: statement by Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland

Secretary General 22 March 2017 Strasbourg

Reacting to the events in London this afternoon, the Secretary General of the 47-nation Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, said: “I am very alarmed by the events in Westminster this afternoon, which appear to have resulted in a number of casualties. Our thoughts are with all those hurt or...

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Secretary General addresses PACE: tackling the challenges of populism, fake news, terrorism and migration; the situation in Turkey

Secretary General 24 January 2017 Strasbourg

Addressing the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Secretary General Thorbjorn Jagland attributed the rise of populism in Europe and elsewhere to a widespread loss of faith in democratic institutions. He said the solution was to find answers to the everyday problems faced by...

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Terrorist attack in Jerusalem, Israel

Secretary General 8 January 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Thorbjørn Jagland, Council of Europe Secretary General

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New Year’s Eve terrorist attack in Istanbul

Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers 2 January 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by the Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Ioannis Kasoulides, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus

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Council of Europe colloquy on protecting cultural heritage from destruction and trafficking

Council of Europe 2 January 2017 Strasbourg

High-level representatives from international organisations and national governments, as well as academic experts, are in Strasbourg today for a colloquy aimed at strengthening cooperation to protect cultural heritage from wanton destruction and preventing the illicit trafficking of cultural...

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Secretary General Jagland condemns terrorist attack in Istanbul

Secretary General 1 January 2017 Strasbourg

Statement by Council of Europe Secretary General Jagland condemning the terrorist attack in Istanbul "In these first hours of 2017, my heartfelt thoughts are with all those affected by the bloody terrorist attack on innocent people in Istanbul who were celebrating the New Year. The Council of...

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Recent terrorist attacks in Europe

Committee of Ministers 20 December 2016 Strasbourg

Statement by the Chair of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Ioannis Kasoulides, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Cyprus

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Suspected terrorist attack in Berlin: Secretary General statement

Secretary General 19 December 2016 Strasbourg

'The Council of Europe mourns with Germany today for the victims of the suspected terror attack on a Christmas market in Berlin which killed and injured so many innocent people. The responsible way in which the German authorities are handling and communicating this crisis is exemplary. I express...

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Statement by Secretary General Jagland on murder of Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrei Karlov

Secretary General 19 December 2016 Strasbourg

"I am shocked and deeply saddened by the assassination of the Russian Federation's Ambassador to Turkey in Ankara today. I present my sincere condolences to the Russian authorities and to the family and colleagues of Ambassador Karlov. All of us at the Council of Europe express our solidarity...

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Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland condemns terrorist attack in Turkey

Secretary General 17 December 2016 Strasbourg

Statement on bomb attack in Turkish city of Kayseri

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National human rights structures: protecting human rights while countering terrorism

Commissioner for Human Rights 6 December 2016 Strasbourg

Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks publishes his latest Human Rights Comment

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Counter-terrorism operations in the South East of Turkey caused widespread human rights violations

Commissioner for Human Rights 2 December 2016 Strasbourg

“Numerous human rights of a very large civilian population in South-Eastern Turkey have been violated as a result of curfews imposed and anti-terrorism operations conducted there since August 2015. I call on Turkey to stop using curfews in such a manner, investigate all allegations of human...

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MONEYVAL's annual report: anti-terrorist financing measures not fully exploited yet

Moneyval 26 September 2016 Strasbourg

Following the publication today of MONEYVAL's annual report, its Chair, Daniel Thelesklaf, pointed out that identifying the financing of terrorism has not yet been fully exploited as a strategy in the overall fight against terrorism. “We are struggling to find ways how to better combat terrorism....

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Thorbjørn Jagland condems terrorist attack in Gaziantep

Secretary General 22 August 2016 Strasbourg

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe has expressed in a letter to President Erdoğan his condolences on the terror attack on 20 August in Gaziantep. In a statement directly after the attack on Sunday, the Secretary General said: "I am devastated by the atrocious bomb attack in our member...

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Terrorist or repairman?

Council of Europe 29 July 2016 Strasbourg

In this spot, made by students at Lisbon's Lusofona University in support of the Living Together in diversity campaign, our stereotypes of Islamic terrorism are challenged when a seemingly sinister activity turns out to have a completely innocent purpose.

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Terrorist attack in Nice

Chair of the Committee of Ministers 15 July 2016 Strasbourg

Statement by Marina Kaljurand, Chair of the Committee of Ministers

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Secretary General Jagland condemns the horrific terrorist attack in Nice

Secretary General 15 July 2016 Strasbourg

“On 14 July, the day when France and the world celebrate the birth of the French Republic, when the call to ‘liberté, égalité, fraternité’ rings in the hearts of all democrats, the host nation of the Council of Europe has been the scene of another murderous attack. Our Organisation stands...

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Istanbul: Council of Europe Secretary General Jagland condemns terrorist attacks

Secretary General 29 June 2016 Strasbourg

On Wednesday Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland made the following statement: “Our member state Turkey has suffered another horrific terrorist attack. Once again so many innocent people have been killed and hurt on European soil. All Council of Europe member states must stand together in the...

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Terrorism: #NoHateNoFear, a PACE initiative

Parliamentary Assembly 20 June 2016 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) today launched a #NoHateNoFear initative to counter terrorism. At a special ceremony, parliamentarians stood up to say NO to hate and fear. They committed to follow up on this initiative in their national parliaments. "We have to prevent the...

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New ECHR/HELP training videos – one on asylum and the second on terrorism

Council of Europe 13 June 2013 Strasbourg

The European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe’s HELP programme (Human rights Education for Legal Professionals) have released two new training videos in the pilot series COURTalks-disCOURs. The 25-minute videos, based on educational talks from lawyers at the Court, are geared to...

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Statement of Secretary General Jagland on the terrorist attack in Istanbul today

Secretary General 7 June 2016 Strasbourg

"Again a deadly attack in Istanbul has killed and injured so many innocent people in the nation's largest city. I am devastated by the news and cannot but repeat that these ruthless attacks are attacks on our values - on us all. I express my deepest sympathy and condolences to the families, the...

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Our fundamental values may not be sacrificed in the fight against terrorism, says Austrian President

Parliamentary Assembly Session 20 April 2016 Strasbourg

Speaking on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Austria’s membership in the Council of Europe, the Austrian President Heinz Fischer underlined the importance of the 47-nation organisation as an irreplaceable platform where new forms of intergovernmental and parliamentary co-operation were and...

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Le Président de l'Assemblée parlementaire appelle à faire bloc face au terrorisme

Session de l'Assemblée parlementaire 18 avril 2016 Strasbourg

Dans son discours d’ouverture de la session de printemps de l’Assemblée parlementaire aujourd’hui à Strasbourg, Pedro Agramunt a mis en garde contre l’adoption de mesures et de politiques restrictives radicales. « Face à une attaque barbare, la réaction la plus immédiate consiste souvent à durcir...

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Turkey: security trumping human rights, free expression under threat

Commissioner for Human Rights 14 April 2016 Strasbourg

Statement by Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks at the end of his visit to Istanbul, Diyarbakir and Ankara

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Statement by the Committee of Ministers on the terrorist attacks in Turkey and Belgium

Committee of Ministers 30 March 2016 Strasbourg

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, representing the governments of the 47 member States, today condemned “in the strongest terms” the terrorist attacks carried out in Turkey and more recently in Belgium. In a Statement, the Committee of Ministers paid homage to the memory of the...

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Jagland: Brussels terrorist attacks targeted European values

Secretary General 22 March 2016 Strasbourg

At a news conference today, following a meeting with Bujar Nishani, President of the Republic of Albania who is paying an official visit to the Council of Europe, Secretary General Jagland expressed his sympathy and condolences to the people of Belgium after explosions in Brussels claimed several...

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Terrorist attacks in Brussels

Committee of Ministers 22 March 2016 Strasbourg

Statement by Daniel Mitov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

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Guidelines to prevent radicalisation in prisons

Committee of Ministers 2 March 2016 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe today issued a set of guidelines to its 47 member states to prevent the radicalisation of prisoners and people under probation, and rehabilitate individuals who have already become radicalised. According to official reports, some perpetrators of terrorist acts have in recent...

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Terrorist attack in Ankara

Committee of Ministers 18 February 2016 Strasbourg

Statement by Daniel Mitov, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe

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Anti-money laundering measures and financing of terrorism report on Armenia

MONEYVAL 28 January 2016 Strasbourg

Armenia urged to develop an effective national policy to investigate and prosecute money laundering

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The fight against terrorism will continue to be a priority far beyond our chairmanship

Parliamentary Assembly session 25 January 2016 Strasbourg

Allocution by Daniel Mitov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers

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Response to terrorism must be resolute, says Secretary General in the wake of Istanbul attack

Secretary General 12 January 2016 Strasbourg

Following today’s bomb attack in Istanbul that claimed at least ten lives and left more people injured, Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjørn Jagland expressed his solidarity with Turkey’s people and leadership conveyed his deepest condolences to the families of victims, many of...

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Istanbul terrorist attack

Chairman of the Committee of Ministers 12 January 2016 Strasbourg

Statement by Daniel Mitov, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria

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How Europe can defeat terrorism

Secretary General 7 January 2016 Strasbourg

A “resolute and relentless” response to armed fanatics, “anchored by human rights first-principles,” can help democracies to defeat terrorism, according to Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland. He marked the one year anniversary of the attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and a Jewish supermarket...

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“Islamic State” are not a state, nor are they Islamic - Terror has no religion

Secreatry General 9 December 2015 Strasbourg

Secretary General warns against maligning or marginalising any religious group

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Fighting radicalisation and promoting dialogue at Lisbon Forum

Council of Europe 3 December 2015 Strasbourg / Lisbon

In the wake of recent terror attacks that struck Paris, Bamako and Tunis, this year’s Lisbon Forum – How to combat radicalisation and terrorism – is of greater relevance than ever. From 3-4 December at Lisbon’s Ismaili Centre, some 300 government and NGO representatives, educators and legal...

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Terrorism can be fought through better cooperation

Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) 20 November 2015 Strasbourg

The Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) publishes a Declaration on the fight against terrorism

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Paris terrorist attacks: Statement by the Committee of Ministers

Committee of Ministers 17 November 2015 Strasbourg

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, representing the governments of the 47 member States, condemns in the strongest terms the barbaric attacks carried out in Paris last Friday. It pays homage to the memory of the many victims and extends its deepest sympathy to their families and...

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"Bring the spirit of resistance alive" - Jean-Claude Frécon reacts to attacks in Paris

President of the Congress 14 November 2015 Strasbourg

Reacting to the terrible events in Paris, the President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Jean-Claude Frécon, said: ''Paris, a city that is the symbol of cultures and of freedom, has been hit by the terrorism of Isis: a nameless barbarism has struck the...

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Shock and sorrow: Anne Brasseur reacts to the Paris attacks

President of the Parliamentary Assembly 14 November 2015 Strasbourg

"I am deeply shocked and utterly appalled by the barbaric terrorist attacks perpetrated last night in Paris. On behalf of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, I extend my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of the victims as well as to the people of France," said...

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Terrorist attacks in Paris

Chairman of the Committee of Ministers 14 November 2015

Statement by Daniel Mitov, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria and Chairman of the Committee of Ministers

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Attacks in Paris: Statement by Thorbjørn Jagland

Secretary General 14 November 2015 Strasbourg

"I am shocked by the horrific attacks in Paris last night. Our solidarity and thoughts are with the people of France today and with President Hollande. The terrorists aimed to attack our freedom, democracy and human rights. But Europe will stand strong in defending our common values". Letter to...

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Foreign terrorist fighters

Council of Europe 22 October 2015 Riga

Eighteen signatories open the way by signing new Additional Protocol to Convention on Prevention of Terrorism

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Foreign terrorist fighters

Council of Europe 12 October 2015 Strasbourg

Council of Europe to launch new legal arsenal

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Secretary General condemns attacks in Tunisia and France

Secretary General 26 June 2015 Strasbourg

Jagland calls for closer international cooperation to combat terrorism

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Thorbjørn Jagland: Fight against violent extremism is a battle of ideas

Secretary General 19 June 2015 New York

Address to United Nations Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee

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Turkish extremist attack

Secretary General 1 April 2015 Strasbourg

“We must be united in fighting terrorism and united in fighting its causes”

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Council of Europe on Copenhagen attacks

Committee of Ministers 18 February 2015 Strasbourg

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, meeting today in Strasbourg, firmly condemned the deadly attacks at the weekend against a cultural centre and a synagogue in Copenhagen. In a Declaration adopted by the 47 Council of Europe member states, the committee stressed that these...

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Terrorist attack against 'Charlie Hebdo' magazine

Committee of Ministers 7 January 2015 Strasbourg

Statement by Didier Reynders, Minister for Foreign and European Affairs of Belgium, Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe "I am deeply shocked by the horrendous attack committed this morning in Paris against “Charlie Hebdo” magazine. On behalf of the Committee of...

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'Charlie Hebdo' massacre, attack on democratic society

Secretary General 12 January 2015 Strasbourg

Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland participated in Unity Rally in Paris

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