Back Exchange of views between the Congress and the Parliament of Morocco

Photo: Moroccan Parliament in Rabat (Morocco)At the invitation of the Moroccan Parliament, a Congress delegation carried out a visit, on 11 July 2012, in Rabat (Morocco) and held an exchange of views with members of both Chambers of the Moroccan Parliament. These discussions centered on the project of advanced regionalisation in Morocco and on the draft law which will reorganise Moroccan territories and which constitutes a major issue on the national agenda. In this context, the delegation also met with Karim Chellah, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohammed Cheikh Biadiallah, Speaker of the House of Councillors.

They discussed several subjects of common interest, in particular, the project for the regionalisation of the country as well as the elections which will be held after the law is adopted. Because of its importance, this law should be adopted by the spring of 2013 at the latest. Participants welcomed co-operation with the Congress of the Council of Europe and, in particular, expressed a keen interest in having European experience in the sphere of local and regional democracy, at the same time emphasising their wish to carry through a project which takes account of Morocco's specific situation. With a view to the adoption next spring of the law on advanced regionalisation, the Congress will continue its dialogue with the Moroccan authorities. (more...)