Zpět Meeting with the President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine

Meeting with the President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine

On 24 January representatives of the Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights met in Strasbourg with the President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Ms Valentyna Danishevska.

The meeting focused on a number of important structural issues highlighted by the Strasbourg Court's judgments pending before the Committee of Ministers, including the non-enforcement by national authorities of domestic judgments. The discussions showed the positive impact of ECHR and the Court's case law on the legal system of Ukraine, as well as the key role played by the Supreme Court in ensuring the full and effective protection of human rights domestically mainly through preventing and remedying violations of ECHR at national level or redressing them following the Court's judgments.

Country factsheet for Ukraine
Strasbourg 25 January 2019
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