Обратно Commissioner Hammarberg visits Cyprus

[07/05/07 10:30] Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg was in Cyprus on 3-4 May to engage in dialogue with government ministers, national human rights structures, international representatives and NGOs working for reconciliation and human rights on the divided island.

The Commissioner held discussions with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice and Public Order, the Ombudswoman, the Law Commissioner, the UN SRSG, the head of UNHCR, and a number of NGOs. In talks with the Cypriot authorities, the Commissioner stressed the need for Cyprus to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings, and the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.

Thomas Hammarberg also gave an opening address to the UNDP Civil Society Fair, expressing support to civil society actors for their work on reconciliation, democratisation and human rights. During meetings with NGOs, the Commissioner covered a number of important human rights themes, including the rights of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, discrimination, xenophobia, trafficking in human beings, women's rights, and the rights of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender people.

Difficult human rights issues stemming from the conflict, affecting both communities, and the division of the island were also covered in discussions with all interlocutors.

The Commissioner met with asylum seekers who informed him of the difficulties they faced in their daily life due to the long asylum procedures, lack of access to work and lack of sufficient social support. He also met with a group of Iraqis with a "subsidiary status" who have been protesting for over 2 months for an improvement in their conditions and status.

"There is a massive refugee flow coming from Iraq and the international community, including individual Council of Europe member states, have an obligation to provide protection for these people," the Hammarberg told the local press, adding that he would raise the issue with the Cypriot authorities in the future.