Обратно Implementation of the European Court's judgments - Latest decisions by the Committee of Ministers

Implementation of the European Court's judgments - Latest decisions by the Committee of Ministers

The Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers has published the case-by-case decisions taken during the Committee’s meeting from 11 to 13 June to supervise the implementation of judgments and decisions from the European Court of Human Rights.

The Committee of Ministers adopted 42 decisions concerning 22 states during the meeting, including Interim Resolutions (*) in cases concerning Hungary and Türkiye. In one case concerning Hungary, the Committee invited its Chair to send a letter to the relevant minister of the respondent state (**).

45 Final Resolutions (***) were adopted by the Committee in respect of 113 judgments and decisions from the European Court, concerning 21 different states.

In addition, the Committee adopted an indicative list of cases to be examined during its next meeting dedicated to the execution of judgments, which will take place from 17 to 19 September 2024 (1507th meeting).

Under Article 46 of the European Convention on Human Rights, judgments from the European Court of Human Rights are binding on the states concerned. The Committee of Ministers oversees the execution of judgments on the basis of information provided by the national authorities concerned, civil society organisations, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and other interested parties.

 Decisions adopted by the Committee of Ministers

 Consolidated list of cases proposed for examination during 1507th meeting (DH)

 Indicative work programme of the Committee of Ministers for 2024

 Country factsheets 

 Thematic factsheets


(*) An Interim Resolution is a form of decision adopted by the Committee of Ministers aimed at overcoming more complex situations requiring special attention.

(**) The sending of a letter by the Chair of the Committee of Ministers to the authorities of a respondent state is a relatively rare step taken by the Committee of Ministers in only a handful of cases to date.

(***) A final resolution is a Committee of Ministers decision whereby it decides to close the supervision of the execution of a judgment, considering that the respondent state has adopted all measures required in response to the violations found by the court.

Strasbourg 14 June 2024
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