Back Traineeship opportunity: First session 2019

Traineeship opportunity: First session 2019

Twice per year we welcome young graduates into our organisation as trainees. For them it is a chance to gain valuable experience in a complex multi-cultural and stimulating work environment. For us, we benefit from the enthusiasm, motivation and skills that new graduates bring.

Our traineeships last from eight weeks to five months, and are not remunerated. There are two official traineeship sessions each year (beginning in March and September – see for more detail).


Equal Opportunities

The Council of Europe encourages applications from any person who has the requisite qualifications, without distinction as to gender, disability, marital or parental status, racial, ethnic or social background, skin colour, religion, convictions or sexual orientation. Specific measures may be taken to ensure equal opportunities for applicants with disabilities.

Who can apply?

In order to be eligible for a traineeship, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Have the nationality of one of the Council of Europe member states;
  • Have a bachelor's degree or equivalent (a diploma for the first cycle of higher education as defined in the Bologna Declaration).
  • Have a desire to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the functioning and activities of the Council of Europe;
  • Have a very good knowledge of one of the two Council of Europe official languages (English or French) together with good drafting ability. Good knowledge of the other official language is appreciated.


The typical responsibilities given to trainees include:

  • research work;
  • preparation of draft reports and studies for meetings of experts;
  • drafting of meeting reports;
  • assistance with work in hand;
  • committee organisation;
  • updating websites.

If you are of French or English mother tongue and wish to apply for a traineeship in translation you should email your CV and motivation letter to The duration of a traineeship in Translation is from three weeks to two months.


We provide a comprehensive induction programme for trainees which enables them to find out about the structures, the activities and the international co-operation procedures followed by the Council of Europe, including the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights. Trainees may attend conferences held within the Organisation, sittings of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and meetings that may take place during their stay in Strasbourg.


Trainees are not remunerated. They pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. The specific measures apply to candidates who provide a certificate or attestation issued by an officially recognised body or professional to confirm the type and degree of disability or disabilities.

Among different ways to self-finance the non-remunerated traineeship applying for a scholarship with different international funds is suggested. A simple Internet search will inform you on up to date and existing possibilities.

Please note that prior to applying for a scholarship you should be admitted to the traineeship programme.

In order to enable the largest number of applicants to benefit from an opportunity for a traineeship at the Council of Europe, nobody may undertake more than one traineeship in the Organisation, whatever form it may take.

How to apply

  • Use the on-line application system, ensuring that you submit by the due date. No other applications can be accepted.
  • You must have an e-mail address to set up an account.
  • Application forms must be completed in French or English (only). You can complete the form over several different occasions and then submit it once finalised.

When to apply

Applications for traineeships are only open for specific periods, depending on the session you wish to apply for. Check the table below for the relevant dates. Completed traineeship applications must be submitted online by midnight (French time) of the deadline listed (details for the first session of 2019 listed below).

First session 2019 from 04/03/2019* to 31/07/2019

Apply - Deadline: 25/10/2018

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Dragi posjetioci,

želim Vam dobrodošlicu na web portal kancelarije Vijeća/Savjeta Evrope u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Na ovom portalu možete pronaći informacije o aktivnostima naše kancelarije u BiH i linkove na relevantne informacije, vijesti i dokumente (konvencije, izvještaje, preporuka itd.) Vijeća/Savjeta Evrope. Dok ćemo, s jedne strane, pokušati da Vam omogućimo uvid u što više važnih dokumenata na jezicima BiH, ipak će većina njih biti dostupna na zvaničnim jezicima naše organizacije - engleskom i francuskom.

Bosna i Hercegovina je zemlja-članica naše organizacije od 2002. godine i aktivno je uključena u sve aspekte misije i rada Vijeća/Savjeta Evrope. Naš ured u BiH doprinosi ovom partnerstvu, ponekad i podsjećanjem na obaveze koje proističu iz članstva, ali uvijek uz BiH, njene vlasti, institucije i građane/ke na putu prema evropskim integracijama. Svih 46 država-članica Organizcaije zajednički teže da konstantno poboljšaju kvalitet naših demokratija, vrijednost naših ljudskih prava i snagu naše vladavine prava, na taj način gradeći bolje, pravednije i sigurnije evropsko društvo za sve nas.

U vezi sa navedenim, pozivam Vas da slobodno surfate našim novim portalom i nadam se da ćete otkriti mnoštvo novih i korisnih informacija. Vaše povratne informacije i sugestije su uvijek dobrodošle, a kako bi poboljšali naš portal. Takođe se nadam da ćete pratiti aktivnosti naše kancelarije na socijalnim mrežema (Facebook i Twitter).

S poštovanjem,

Bojana Urumova

Šefica ureda Vijeća/Savjeta Evrope u Sarajevu

Bosna i Hercegovina

Pratite @BojanaUrumova na Twitter-u

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