Zurück COMEX 79th plenary meeting

COMEX 79th plenary meeting

The Committee of Experts of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages held its 79th plenary meeting on 17-21 June 2024 in Strasbourg.
During the meeting, the Committee adopted the 6th evaluation report on the application of the Charter by Spain and the 6th evaluation report on the application of the Charter by the United Kingdom and Isle of Man, both of which will be transmitted to the authorities for possible comments within a deadline of two months after transmission. The reports and the state comments will then be made public and submitted to the Committee of Ministers.
The Committee also adopted the mid-term reports on the implementation of its recommendations for immediate action by Germany and the Netherlands.

On 20 June, the Committee of Experts held an exchange of views with researchers from the European Centre for Minority Issues on the initial results of their research A pathway to expanding the ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which identifies key obstacles to ratification in seven Council of Europe Member States and propose strategic recommendations for overcoming these obstacles.

The Committee will hold its next plenary meeting in November 2024 in Strasbourg.

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Sekretariat der Europäischen Charta der Regional- oder Minderheitensprachen

Generaldirektion für Demokratie
Kanalstaden 1 quai Jacoutot
F-67075 Straßburg
Telefon: +33 (0)3 90 21 49 36

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