
Zpět North Macedonia: Parliament roundtable on legal gender recognition

North Macedonia: Parliament roundtable on legal gender recognition

On 17 November, the Execution Department participated in the roundtable on legal gender recognition organised by the Parliament of North Macedonia and the Council of Europe.

The Execution Department presented the current state of play in the implementation of European Court’s judgment in the X. case. In response to the European Court’s judgment and in close cooperation with the civil society, the authorities prepared draft amendments to the Law on Registry. These amendments aim to set up quick, transparent and accessible procedures, based on self-determination, for changing the registered sex of transgender people on birth certificates. They are currently pending before Parliament. The roundtable provided a platform for constructive exchange with the parliamentarians with a view to ensuring swift adoption of the draft amendments.

The roundtable gathered parliamentarians, the Ministry of Justice, the Civil Registry Office and civil society representatives. It is part of a Council of Europe activity aiming to provide support to member States in implementing the Committee of Ministers’ Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 on measures to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. The Committee of Ministers will re-examine the X. case at its Human Rights meeting on 30 November - 2 December 2021.


 MKD Parliament news item (in Macedonian)

 Thematic factsheet - LGBTI persons’ rights

Skopje 18 November 2021
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