På baggrund af en blå himmel danner stjernerne en cirkel, som symboliserer forening. Antallet af stjerner er fast, idet tolv er symbolet på det perfekte og fuldstændige og giver minder om apostlene, Jakobs sønner, Herkules’ anstrengelser, årets måneder, osv.

Lige fra sin grundlæggelse i 1949 var Europarådet klar over behovet for at give Europa et symbol, som dets indbyggere kunne identificere sig med. Den 25. oktober 1955 godkendte Den Parlamentariske Forsamling enstemmigt emblemet med en cirkel af gyldne stjerner på en blå baggrund. Den 9. december 1955 vedtog organisationens Ministerkomité det stjernebestrøede flag, som blev officielt præsenteret den 13. december samme år i Paris.

Et symbol for hele Europa

I 1983 indførte Europa-Parlamentet derefter det flag, som Europarådet havde udviklet, og anbefalede, at det blev emblemet for De Europæiske Fællesskaber. Det Europæiske Råd gav sin godkendelse i juni 1985. Den Europæiske Unions institutioner begyndte at anvende flaget i 1986.

Europa-flaget er siden blevet synonymt med et fælles politisk projekt, som forener alle europæere og går på tværs af deres mangfoldighed.

Europaflagets historie

Forslag til Europaflag


Any natural or legal person (‘user') may use the European emblem or any of its elements, subject to the following conditions of use.

Conditions of use

The use of the European emblem and/or any of its elements is allowed, irrespective of whether the use is of a non-profit or commercial nature, unless:

(a) the use creates the incorrect impression or assumption that there is a connection between the user and any of the institutions, bodies, offices, agencies and organs of the European Union or the Council of Europe;

(b) the use leads the public to believe erroneously that the user benefits from the support, sponsorship, approval or consent of any of the institutions, bodies, offices, agencies and organs of the European Union or the Council of Europe;

(c) the use is in connection with any objective or activity which is incompatible with the aims and principles of the European Union or of the Council of Europe, or which would be otherwise unlawful.

Trade mark and related issues

The use of the European emblem in accordance with the conditions in the previous section does not mean consent to registration of the emblem or an imitation thereof as a trade mark or any other IP right. The European Commission (embl@ec.europa.eu) and the Council of Europe (legal.advice@coe.int) will continue the monitoring of applications for registration of the European emblem or part thereof as (part of) IP rights, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

Did you know?
The Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention adopted in 1989 is the only international legal instrument in this area to date.

Hvor ligger Europarådets hovedkvarter?

  1. I Bruxelles (Belgien)
  2. I Strasbourg (Frankrig)
  3. I Geneve (Schweiz)

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