Terrassa is a city of 225 000 inhabitants in central-eastern Catalonia (Spain). A university and industrial city, it has a long history in European relations, with a specific department created more than 20 years ago, which manages European affairs.

Several events are organised in Terrassa: European Music Day, European Day of Languages, Europe Day with schools, European Sustainable Energy Week, European Mobility Week, European Heritage Days, and European Week for Waste Prevention. European cohesion and European values are promoted for young students in, for example, the CIM School of Terrassa which is an Ambassador School of the European Parliament.

The contacts with European cities are also given through twinning cities, with the participation in European projects (like ERASMUS+), or by bilateral activities. Terrassa is twinned with four cities: Pamiers (France), Granada (Nicaragua), Tetouan (Morocco) and Tecoluca (El Salvador) and collaborates in several fields, in the framework of democracy, local autonomy and good governance.