2012 - Sighișoara

The Sighișoara townThe town of Sighişoara, situated in Mures county, was the first town in Romania to win the Europe Prize.  It has developed six twinnings with Baden (Switzerland), Blois (France), Castello (Italy), Dinkelsbühl (Germany), Kiskunfélegyháza (Hungary) and Zamość (Poland).  Sighişoara has developed an extensive network of international contacts, in particular through major cultural events such as the “Medieval Art Festival for the youth”, the “Academic Music Festival” and the “ProEtnica Intercultural Festival” which it holds every year. Sighişoara’s multicultural and multi-ethnic character is also reflected in the many youth exchanges with its twin towns and friendships.  The town’s historic centre is preserved as a fortified medieval town and is on the World Heritage List.  A medieval festival is held every July in the old citadel, which was the seat of Vlad III the Impaler, whose legend provided the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

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