Atrás Paris terrorist attacks: Statement by the Committee of Ministers

Paris terrorist attacks: Statement by the Committee of Ministers

The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, representing the governments of the 47 member States, condemns in the strongest terms the barbaric attacks carried out in Paris last Friday.

It pays homage to the memory of the many victims and extends its deepest sympathy to their families and loved ones. It expresses its full solidarity with the French people and authorities.

In response to these tragic events and to the attacks carried out in other member States, the Council of Europe is determined to resolutely continue the fight against terrorism in full respect of the principles of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law which unite its member States and which constitute the best protection against the spiral of hate. It reaffirms its determination to fight against all misassociations, all forms of intolerance and discrimination as well as any acts of violence on religious or any other grounds. It will continue to give the highest priority to the implementation of the Action Plan on the fight against violent extremism and radicalisation leading to terrorism adopted in May 2015.

Committee of Ministers Strasbourg 17 November 2015
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