At all levels, greater efforts are needed to promote a culture of health literacy in order to foster equitable access to healthcare for all, including people in vulnerable situations. In practice, this means the development of public policy at the local, regional, national and international levels. This also requires cross-sectoral collaboration with other stakeholders (interest groups, coalitions, alliances, networks etc.) and capacity building in health authorities and systems to strengthen the capacity and skills of the workforce.  

Back Making it Easier. Health Literacy Action Plan – UK (Scotland)

 Aim and objectives:

Making it easier”, which is Scotland’s second action plan on health literacy developed by the NHS, sets out an action plan for improving health literacy in Scotland 2017-2025. The first plan was titled “Making it easy”. The action plan aims to remove barriers and prevent them being put there in the first place. 

 Target group:

The action plan is aimed at health providers, patient organisations and decision-makers.


The action plan focuses on four areas:

  • share the learning from “Making it Easy” across Scotland;
  • embed ways to improve health literacy in policy and practice;
  • develop more health literacy responsive organisations and communities;
  • design support and services to better meet people’s health literacy levels.


The health literacy action plan helps to improve how to design and deliver services in the future based on supporting people’s needs through shared decision-making.

 Added value:

The health literacy action plan sets out the ambition for Scotland to be a health literate society that enables the population to have the confidence, knowledge, understanding and skills to maintain good health.

 Making it Easier. Health Literacy Action Plan - UK (Scotland)

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Back The International Health Literacy Association (IHLA)

The International Health Literacy Association (IHLA) was inaugurated in 2017. The aim of IHLA is to unite people around the world working to promote health literacy with the purpose of creating health literacy for all and a world where people and societies can act to improve health and quality of life. The backbone of the organisation are the interest groups which develop and implement health literacy within a wide range of topics.

 International Health Literacy Association (IHLA)

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