Indietro Gender equality: voices of the women in Camden

Camden Council put in place mechanisms to make sure that gender equality is respected in organisations that participate in the decision-making process on matters related to the inclusion of Camden residents with migrant/minority backgrounds. On a yearly basis, Camden Council celebrates International Women’s Day, bringing together women across the borough to talk and bring about gender equality and galvanise tackling barriers that women face. This includes local organisations and workshops with providers to ensure they hold the same values.

Camden also has a Women’s Forum that is co-chaired independently but supported by the Council to explore a number of issues that women face in the borough. So far, they have run two inquiries that delve into evidence and issues that women face and make recommendations as to how the Council can address gaps in improving gender equality. So far this has looked into women’s economic participation and domestic violence and abuse which is known to be a gendered issue.

Through the above initiatives, work has been established with partners and voluntary sector organisations to tackle these issues and intersections with race and poverty when it comes to gender have been explored.

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