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Intercultural cities: good practice examples

The Intercultural city aims at building its policies and identity on the explicit acknowledgement that diversity can be a resource for the development of the society.

The first step is the adoption (and implementation) of strategies that facilitate positive intercultural encounters and exchanges, and promote equal and active participation of residents and communities in the development of the city, thus responding to the needs of a diverse population. The Intercultural integration policy model is based on extensive research evidence, on a range of international legal instruments, and on the collective input of the cities member of the Intercultural Cities programme that share their good practice examples on how to better manage diversity, address possible conflicts, and benefit from the diversity advantage.

This section offers examples of intercultural approaches that facilitate the development and implementation of intercultural strategies.

Template for collection of Good practices >>

Educational equality in Oslo. Tackling educational segregation through raising standards

Norway Oslo 2016-

Purpose: The aim of this project is to combat educational segregation through organizational structures, activities and curricula that increase diversity and intercultural learning in public school...

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District Mothers

Germany Berlin-Neukölln 2016

Purpose: Migrant mothers reaching out to and integrating other migrant mothers Stimulus/Rationale: Process: The “Stadtteilmütter” (District Mothers) project is targeted at areas under Neighbourhood...

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Young Mayor

United Kingdom London-Lewisham 2018 onwards

Purpose: Putting power and responsibility in the hands of young people. Stimulus/Rationale: Lewisham Young Mayor is a robust attempt to put real power and responsibility in the hands of young...

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Portugal Cascais Since 2017 - Ongoing

Purpose: Cascais regularly organises intercultural activities not only to encourage social cohesion but also to help young people to improve their self-appreciation and self-esteem....

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Lisbon’s ethnic economy

Portugal Lisbon 2016

Purpose: The study aimed to support the development of immigrant entrepreneurship initiatives in Lisbon, and the main objectives were the following: Provide some basic socio‐economic features about...

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Urban art for Intercultural Interaction - “o Bairro i o Mundo”

Portugal Loures 2013-July 2023

Purpose: Regenerating a stigmatised neighbourhood through large-scale art project Stimulus/Rationale: Quinta do Mocho was for many years the most stigmatised of neighbourhoods in Loures, associated...

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Local Assemblies

United Kingdom London-Lewisham 2008 onwards

Purpose: A network of citizen forums which empower local decision making and action Process: This programme started in 2008 and consists in a forum during which the Council talks to the residents,...

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Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln

Germany Berlin-Neukölln 2016 onwards

Purpose: Community centre that encourages active and informed citizens Stimulus/Rationale: Process: Nachbarschaftsheim Neukölln is a community centre which aims to facilitate social cohesion and...

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Intercultural Integration Plan 2015-2020

Ukraine Melitopol 2015-2020

Purpose: Despite inter-ethnic strife in Ukraine one city offers leadership in pursuit of an alternative way Process: Whilst war and interethnic conflict has raged to the east (Donbass) and south...

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A city international policy

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: An aspiring intercultural city should have an international policy that seeks, at least in part, to promote a dynamic relationship with places of origin of major Diaspora groups. Such...

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The Auckland Plan 2050

New Zealand Auckland 2019-2050

Purpose: ‘Fostering an inclusive Auckland where everyone belongs’ Stimulus/Rationale: The Auckland Plan 2050 outlines a 30-year strategy for Auckland to tackle three key challenges: Population...

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Nga Kete Akoranga (NKA)

New Zealand Auckland 2018 onwards

Purpose: Promoting cultural competence amongst Auckland’s staff: A training programme for staff to respond effectively to Māori people. Stimulus/Rationale: The implementation of a refreshed Ngā...

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Welcoming internationals to the city

Norway Stavanger Ongoing for several years

Purpose: Several years ago, the Stavanger Chamber of Commerce and Industries started a program to introduce international employees and their families to the city. The region’s Welcome Center is...

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First Welcome

Italy Reggio Emilia 2016

Purpose: The city is applying an intercultural approach to dealing with welcoming newcomers, via a two-stage process. The First Welcome deals with the basic issues of identification, certification,...

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Safer Alta de Lisboa

Portugal Lisbon 2009 - ongoing

A community-policing service based on intercultural principles Purpose: Since 2007, the Lisbon Municipal Police (LMP) has been developing a community policing strategy, seeking the maintenance of...

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Give Something Back to Berlin

Germany Berlin 2012 onwards

Purpose: A social enterprise that treats refugees not as victims but bringers of diversity advantage Process: The “Give Something Back to Berlin” (GSBTB) foundation is a fine example of a civil...

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Siemens’ program for integrating refugees

Germany Erlangen ongoing

Purpose: Erlangen shows that labour markets can open up to refugees under favourable circumstances Process: With a population of 100 000, the City of Erlangen is home to the University of...

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An Anti-Racism Cockpit

Italy Turin 2019

Purpose: Internally focused activity is key to addressing systemic discrimination. It enables a focus on the priorities, processes and practices of an organisation. It can be difficult to secure a...

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Employment and skills - Adult Learning Programme, BUILD programme, Leeds Anchors Network

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

In Leeds 24% of the working age population do not have a Level 2 Qualification. The city therefore runs an Adult Learning Programme which is targeted at residents with low-level skills and...

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Community Connector Project

United Kingdom Leeds 2020

In July 2019, Leeds started the 15-month Community Connector project[1] which aims to support new migrants to connect with local services and existing community networks through building bridges...

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0 International outlook