Zurück #KézaCoE brings the Council of Europe’s work to the people of France and Europe

#KézaCoE brings the Council of Europe’s work to the people of France and Europe

The Permanent Representation of France to the Council of Europe has launched a series of example-based videos outlining its mission to safeguard citizens’ rights through its work at the Council of Europe. The video series, #KézaCoE, is a pun that stands for “Qu’est-ce que le Conseil de l´Europe/ What is the Council of Europe”. The short and informative clips include, among other themes, stories on the Organisation’s central contribution to abolishing the death penalty and its actions in support of Ukraine.

“For 75 years, the Council of Europe has been working to guarantee citizens' rights, protect the rule of law and develop democracy. Through these videos, in which history takes its rightful place, we wish to highlight the work and objectives of the Council of Europe”, said Pap Ndiaye, Ambassador, Permanent representative of France to the Council of Europe.

Released on Fridays, #KézaCoE brings to life a new aspect of the Council of Europe’s work. The first video provided an insight into the Organisation’s history and purpose. The second explores the importance of the recently established Register of Damage for Ukraine. 

Ambassador Pap Ndiaye:

“In May 2023, the Council of Europe decided to establish the Register of Damage to ensure justice and accountability for Ukraine given the Russian Federation’s aggression. The Register will receive and process claims for damage caused to persons, to legal persons, and of destruction of cultural property, infrastructure or private property to consider, at a later stage, compensation by Russia for these crimes. This is a concrete example of how the Council of Europe is helping Ukraine. In addition, the Council of Europe Action Plan for Ukraine “Resilience, Recovery and Reconstruction” 2023-2026 aims at combatting corruption and improving the state of democracy.”

Deputy Secretary General Bjørn Berge commended the initiative: “This is a very effective way of reaching out to people in France and in Europe. I hope other Ambassadors and countries will follow the French Ambassador’s excellent initiative.”

Follow #KézaCoE for more stories on: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and https://conseil-europe.delegfrance.org/KezaCoE-1776

4 March 2024
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