Zurück 45th Congress session : Election of a new President, Russia’s war against Ukraine, local democracy in Estonia, Ireland and the Slovak Republic, violence against mayors, climate change among the themes of the session

45th Congress session : Election of a new President, Russia’s war against Ukraine, local democracy in Estonia, Ireland and the Slovak Republic, violence against mayors, climate change among the themes of the session

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will hold its 45th Session from 24 to 26 October 2023, in Strasbourg, France. The election of the new President of the Congress, as well as of the Presidents of Congress’ Chambers and their vice-presidents will take place.

The role of local and regional authorities in ensuring accountability in the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine is on the agenda with a debate on the International Register of Damage. The situation of political activists under pressure in Russia will also be discussed.

Monitoring reports on the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government in Estonia, Ireland and the Slovak Republic are on the agenda of the session. The Congress members will also examine reports on the observation of local elections in Albania that took place on 14 May 2023 and the elections to the Council of Elders of the City of Yerevan, Armenia,  on 17 September 2023. In addition, resolutions on the themes “Delivering on the Reykjavik summit: revised Congress priorities, working procedures and structures” and  “European Urban Charter III (2023): Urban living in the era of transformationswill be debated and voted on.

“Violence against local and regional elected representatives”, “The role of regions in energy transition”, “Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: regional experience and lessons learned”, “Local and regional media: watchdogs of democracy, guardians of community cohesion” are the themes of the reports that will also be discussed at the session.

Among the invited guests are the Minister for Environmental Protection and Regional Development on behalf of the Latvian Presidency of the Committee of Ministers, Inga Berzina; Minister of State with Responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Ireland, Kieran O’Donnell; Minister of Regional Affairs and Agriculture of Estonia Madis Kallas; Executive Lead, Local News Partnerships, BBC, Matthew Barraclough ; Secretary General of the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), Antonella Valmorbida.

As every session, youth delegates from more than 40 member states will participate in the debates and present their own grassroots projects under the Congress' "Rejuvenate Politics" initiative.  The Congress will debate the involvement of young people as a driving force for change.

The Congress plenary session will be held in the building of the European Parliament in Strasbourg, and access to journalists to the venue will be limited.

The Congress session is open to media strictly upon prior accreditation. The deadline for applying for accreditation is Monday, 23 October, 12h00 CET.

Mass media representatives will also be able to follow the Congress session live in English, French, German, Italian and Turkish at https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/home The session “The Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine” will also be interpreted into Ukrainian.Draft agenda and the Session’s documents are available on the Session’s dedicated page. Videos and photos will also be available on this page.

Contact: Tatiana Baeva, Spokesperson/Media Officer, Directorate of Communications, Council of Europe


45th session Strasbourg, France 20 October 2023
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