In his communication on 30 October 2019, on the contexts of 37th session of the Congress and the 10th anniversary of the Council of Europe Reference Framework for Regional Democracy, the Vice-President of the Chamber of Regions, Mr Karl-Heinz Lambertz (Belgium, SOC), reaffirmed the key role played by regions in democratic renewal.
“Adopted in 2009, the Reference Framework reaffirms the role of the regional dimension in Europe and defines the principles of regional governance and of relations between regions and central governments,” said Mr Lambertz. “It is a good opportunity to point out that constructive and regular dialogue between central governments and regions is necessary for tackling the challenges facing us”, he stressed.
The crisis of confidence in institutions, developments in European regionalism, sustainable development, inter-regional co-operation and territorial cohesion are that many multi-level challenges, as the Vice-President pointed out. “These challenges must be on the agenda of the Chamber of Regions, which has a duty to make an appropriate contribution to tackling them,” he said, while calling for enhanced co-operation between regions.
“Our role has been reaffirmed following the decisions taken by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe at the Helsinki Summit,” said Mr Lambertz. “The current changes have affected the traditional economic and social ties within states and created new ties between regions across national borders. This trend presents new opportunities but also new challenges,” he added. In this connection, the Vice-President called on members to look at the opportunities offered by modern technology and incorporate the concept of intelligent regions in territorial integration strategies.
During the session of the Chamber of Regions, members also debated reports on the regional dimension in the future of Europe, the role of regions in implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and European cultural routes.
** 37th Session of the Congress **
File 37th Session - Agenda - Videos and photos – Mediabox interviews