Zurück Now open: Apply to become European Capital of Democracy 2026!

Now open: Apply to become European Capital of Democracy 2026!

Like Barcelona (and soon Vienna), every year a different city is selected as the European Capital of Democracy (ECoD) by a jury of currently 4,000 European citizens, hosting a year-long programme of exciting events, festivals and activities. All cities with a population of over 100,000 within the Council of Europe member states and Kosovo* can apply for the title.

The Congress supports this civil society initiative and the call for applications for the European Capital of Democracy 2026.

European Capitals of Democracy reap a wide range of benefits, such as an enhanced international reputation as a centre of innovation, the chance to host international events and meetings, and a boost to civic pride. All applicant cities join the European City Network and profit from mutual exchange of knowledge and experience, as well as access to international expertise and cooperation.

Does your city  want to be next?
Apply here to join ECoD!

Need more information?
Check out our flyer and watch this short explainer-video.

How to become European Capital of Democracy:

  1. Cities submit their application between 1 September and 15 November 2024

  2. Experts evaluate all applications and presents a shortlist in February 2025

  3. Over 4,000 citizens select the next European Capital of Democracy in mid-March 2025

Thank you for strengthening European democracy together!



*All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations’ Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

Strasbourg 09 October 2024
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