Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM: "In the Congress we are committed to a Europe of solidarity”

Speaking at the opening of the 33rd Congress Session, in Strasbourg, France, on 18 October 2017, Congress President Gudrun MOSLER-TÖRNSTRÖM, pointed out that the European construction has enabled historic advances over the last sixty years. 'We do not want to abandon these advances and each and every one of us, in our own particular roles, can help preserve what has been achieved,' she added highlighting the role of the Congress in this regard. Reaffirming the importance of strong regions with broad powers, the President of the Congress indicated that she did not believe that 'the Europe we earnestly hope for can be built on weak nation States, a disintegrated, fragmented Europe which would be devoid of all influence in the world.”. 'There is no room for selfishness, be it national or regional. There is no place for nationalism, whether national or regional”, she added. .' For the President, the message of the Congress is clear: 'We know that devolution is essential, that municipal and regional self-government, clearly defined within the limits of each State’s legally-established borders, is indispensable. But we do not want to see our nations implode,” she concluded.

Zurück Congress presents recommendation on the local elections in Finland

Congress presents recommendation on the local elections in Finland

The Report and Recommendation further to the observation of the local elections held in Finland on 9 April this year were discussed and adopted on 19 October at the 33rd Plenary Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. The elections took place in the particular context of the current regionalisation reform in the country which entails important changes at the regional but also at the local level.

According to the report presented by Rapporteur Lelia HUNZIKER (Switzerland, SOC), voting was held – with the exception of a some minor issues – in a very professional manner and was characterized by a high level of citizen trust in the electoral processes and the administration. “We should first and foremost congratulate Finland for granting only individuals who are permanently residing in a specific municipality the right to vote at the local level. This is in line with Congress’ Recommendation 369 (2015)”, the Rapporteur underlined. The Congress also welcomes the important degree of transparency, the well-established voter registration and the efforts made by Finnish authorities to strengthen the position of female candidates through gender quotas on candidates’ lists.

Consequently, the report draws attention to issues to be considered to achieve further democratic progress that include the promotion of participation of regional political parties and lists of independent candidates, as well as the introduction of mandatory training for all members of the election administration to ensure a consistent level of knowledge about procedures. Last not least, the Congress is very keen on seeing that the ongoing regional administrative reform will lead to real decentralisation at the regional level.

More information:

Report CPL33(2017)05

Presentation by Lelia HUNZIKER


File: 33rd Session


Renate ZIKMUND, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Head of the Division of Local and Regional Election Observation, Phone: + 33 659 786 455, email:


** 33rd Session of the Congress **

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33rd session Strasbourg, France 19 October 2017
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