42nd Session of the Congress: situation in Ukraine; local democracy in Germany, Luxembourg, Turkey and the United Kingdom; fake news, threats and violence against mayors in the current crises in Europe

42nd Session 15 March 2022 Strasbourg, France

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe held its 42nd Session from 22 to 24 March 2022, in Strasbourg, France. A debate on the situation in Ukraine took place on Tuesday afternoon, March 22nd, and the Congress adopted an institutional declaration. On this occasion,...

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Council of Europe Congress condemns war against Ukraine and calls on Russian Federation to meet its obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law

42nd Session 22 March 2022 Strasbourg, France

The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe on 22 March 2022 unanimously adopted a Declaration condemning the Russian Federation’s war against Ukraine as a blatant breach of international law. The debate was preceded by a remote exchange of views with the Ukrainian...

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Congress holds debates on the war in Ukraine, local democracy in Germany and involving children in sustainable development

42nd Session 23 March 2022 Strasbourg, France

“We are meeting at a time when a Council of Europe member state, Ukraine, is the victim of an act of war committed by a former member state, the Russian Federation, said Congress President Leedert Verbeek at the opening of the 42nd session. “This new reality has produced the opposite effect from...

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Zurück Germany: More financial autonomy for local authorities needed, despite high standards of local democracy observed, says Council of Europe’s Congress new report

Germany: More financial autonomy for local authorities needed, despite high standards of local democracy observed, says Council of Europe’s Congress new report

A report adopted on 22 March 2022 by the Council of Europe’s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities welcomes "high standards" of local democracy and a "sophisticated legal framework" covering all aspects of local self-government in Germany. The report highlights, in particular, the strong level of judicial protection and the wide range of responsibilities and organisational autonomy enjoyed by German local authorities.

However, rapporteurs Konstantinos Koukas (Greece, EPP/CCE) and Jani Kokko (Finland, SOC/G/PD) draw attention to the reduced financial autonomy of local authorities due to the increasing needs in the social sector, the need to strengthen counties’ (Kreise) taxation powers and the lack of diversification and flexibility of their revenue system.

The Congress calls on the German authorities to provide local authorities with adequate financial means that give them the freedom to spend these resources and to revise the financial status of counties. It also calls to extend their taxation powers and for the corresponding taxes not to be levied at the expense of municipalities which are part of the counties. The adoption of concrete standards and criteria for the implementation of the commensurability principle would ensure transparency in the whole financial calculation and planning process.

The Congress also calls for the strengthening of the participation and consultation rights of local government associations at federal level and invites the German authorities to sign and ratify the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of local authorities.

This is the second monitoring report on Germany since the country ratified the European Charter of Local Self-Government in 1988. Countries which have ratified the Charter are bound by its provisions. The Charter requires compliance with a minimum number of rights, which form the European bedrock of local self-government. The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities ensures that these principles are observed through its monitoring activities.

See also :

 Mediabox interview

 Speech of rapporteur Konstantinos Koukas

 Speech of rapporteur Jani Kokko

 Report CG(2022)42-16final

For further information :

Contact: Panos Kakaviatos, Spokesperson/Media Officer, Directorate of Communications, Council of Europe, tel. +33 6 98 37 64 04


42nd Session 

Agenda – Web page – Multimedia (Live broadcast, interviews, videos and photos)

42nd Session Strasbourg, France 23 March 2022
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 Mediabox interviews

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Chamber of Regions
Election of one vice-president


Governance Committee
Election of the 4th Vice-Chair


In view of the decision of the Committee of Ministers of 16 March 2022, the Russian Federation ceases to be a member State of the Council of Europe as of 16 March 2022. The Congress website will be updated as soon as possible to reflect this new situation.

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