Zurück Regions and diaspora: diaspora representation in host regions and relations with regions of origin

Regions and diaspora: diaspora representation in host regions and relations with regions of origin

Continuing a cycle of debates begun in 2021 on the regions facing diasporas, the Chamber of Regions of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe took an interest, on Wednesday 23 March 2022, in the political representation of foreign diasporas in their host regions, as well as those of their own diasporas in other regions or countries of Europe. The experiences of networks such as the "Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies" or the "Tyrol International" network were presented to the members of the Chamber who, during several interventions, underlined the contribution of the diasporas and the need to facilitate their participation in the political life of their host country

Third Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Displaced Persons of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Croatian MP Domagoj Hajdukovic introduced his remarks by paying tribute to the Ukrainian diaspora, in Poland and in the world, which is mobilizing to help and welcome Ukrainian refugees: in exceptional situations as in normal times, diasporas are a good illustration of the duality of their members, between country of origin and host country. The Parliamentary Assembly set up a "Parliamentary Network on Diaspora Policies" in 2017 but has already been working on these subjects since 1999. The situation of Diasporas varies greatly from one country to another, but this Network pleads for a strengthening of the political participation of members of the diasporas, both in their host country or region, and with their country or region of origin. According to this network, it is first important to properly “map” the diasporas to know their precise compositions, and therefore their needs and expectations, including on the social and cultural level. Members of the diasporas must be encouraged to participate in the political life of their host country, specifically by obtaining the right to vote, while retaining this same right in their country of origin. In addition, diasporas also constitute an economic opportunity both for their regions of origin and for their host regions, insofar as they promote exchanges and trade, for often considerable amounts.

Associations and networks to maintain links with the diasporas

People from one region but living elsewhere can contribute to promoting their region of origin, while sometimes representing models of success for their “compatriots”. It was around this idea that the "Tyrol International" network was born. It is responsible for "federating" 32,000 Tyroleans living in other regions of Austria or abroad, while strengthening their links with their region of origin. “Many Tyroleans settled elsewhere are talented entrepreneurs, whose skills, for example commercial or touristic, can also benefit their region of origin,” explained Ingo Erricher on behalf of this network. In the past, he explains, it was poverty that made Tyroleans emigrate, but today, Tyroleans outside their region are also ambassadors of the Land and its successes.

Pedro Faria E Castro, member of the regional government of the Azores (Portugal), insisted on the strong identity of the inhabitants of the archipelago, many of whom, since the 17th century, have emigrated throughout the world: a million and half of people with Azorean origins now live abroad, against barely 236,000 on the spot. Today, emigration has dried up because the inhabitants have fewer reasons than before to leave the archipelago. However, the regional government supports Azoreans living abroad, and has notably opened 16 “Azorean houses” around the world, in order to strengthen the links between the archipelago and its native citizens. But just as the Azoreans have helped shape the countries in which they one day settled, they are ready, today, to welcome in turn all those who will flee the war, concluded Mr. Faria E Castro.

Young people from diasporas: dynamic links between host countries and countries of origin

Finally, the young Italian delegate Sharon Amadi presented the situation and expectations of the more than 4.4 million people from sub-Saharan Africa living in Western Europe and pleaded for better consideration of young people from the diasporas, both in host countries and in those of departure. "These young people also offer a chance to bring together the regions of origin and host countries", she believes, but the success of integration in the host countries depends on the creation of better socio-economic and political conditions. If the political world agrees to encourage the political participation of young people from diasporas in the life of the host countries, she regrets that these participations too often remain at the stage of wishes.

Following these interventions, Hanna Zamazieieva (Ukraine, ILDG) addressed the particularly dramatic situation of national minorities, and in particular the Greek diaspora, in the under siege cities of Mariupol and Odessa, and paid tribute to the Greek government for the help it gives them.


42nd Session:

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42nd Session Strasbourg, France 23 March 2022
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