Zurück Andreas KIEFER: “Regions are the bridge between Europe and its citizens”

On the photo from right to left: Enric MORERA (President of the Conference of Presidents and Presidents of Parliaments of Spain), Andreas KIEFER (Secretary General of the Congress of the Council of Europe), Blanca MARTÍN DELGADO (President of the Assembly of Estremadura), Guillermo MARTÍNEZ (European Committee of the Regions and Minister of the Presidency of the Principality of Asturias), Ana LUIS (President of the Azores Assembly), Philippe COURARD (President of the Parliament of the Federation Wallonie-Brussels)

On the photo from right to left: Enric MORERA (President of the Conference of Presidents and Presidents of Parliaments of Spain), Andreas KIEFER (Secretary General of the Congress of the Council of Europe), Blanca MARTÍN DELGADO (President of the Assembly of Estremadura), Guillermo MARTÍNEZ (European Committee of the Regions and Minister of the Presidency of the Principality of Asturias), Ana LUIS (President of the Azores Assembly), Philippe COURARD (President of the Parliament of the Federation Wallonie-Brussels)

“Due to their proximity to the citizens on a daily basis, the regions have the opportunity and the obligation to communicate about the need to cooperate at European level in order to maintain democracy and human rights as well as prosperity and unity in diversity”, stressed Andreas KIEFER, Secretary General of the Congress in a high level panel discussion about the contributions of the regions to the future of Europe, organised on the fringe of the Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies (CALRE), in Seville, Spain, on 10 November 2017. After the presentation of the Seville Declaration endorsed by the Presidents of the Parliaments represented in CALRE and the award ceremony for the CALRE Award “Stars of Europe”, Mr KIEFER also mentioned that the regions are best placed to build the bridge between the institutions and the citizens; in particular the regional politicians can contribute to creating a European identity complementing the local, regional and national identities. He underlined that the Congress promotes a vision based on a broader notion of democratic integration and democratic security of societies, a Europe inclusive not only for member countries but first and foremost for the European citizens. “This concept goes beyond a notion based primarily on the economic integration of nation-States but on a wider concept based on values”, he concluded.

Speech by Andreas KIEFER

Conference programme

Seville Declaration

CALRE Award “Stars of Europe”

Photo gallery


CALRE Seville, Spain 10 November 2017
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