Zurück Region of Murcia

Region of Murcia / Región de Murcia

  • Wege der prähistorischen Steinkunst
  • Spanien
  • Regionale Berhörde
  • Museum
  • Kulturerbe
Jahr des Beitritts zur Mitgliedschaft
Palacio de San Esteban
Calle Acisclo Díaz
ES-30001 Murcia

Tel: +34 968 36 26 15
Website: www.carm.es
Email: n.d.

Dirección General de Bienes Culturales (General Directorate for Cultural Heritage)
Calle Santa Teresa, 21
ES-30005 Murcia

Tel: +34 06 77 72 869 / +34 968 27 77 98 (Heritage Service)
Website: www.patrimur.es
Email: n.d.

Centro de Interpretación del Arte Rupestre “Casa de Cristo” de Moratalla (“Casa de Cristo” Moratalla Rock Art Interpretation Center)
Carretera Campo de San Juan
ES-30440 Moratalla

Tel: +34 968 95 51 95
Website: www.turismoruralmurcia.es/arte-rupestre-moratalla-murcia
Email: guias.casacristo[at]gmail.com

Museo Arqueológico de Jumilla
Plaza de Arriba
ES-30520 Jumilla

Tel: +34 968 78 07 40
Website: www.regmurcia.com/servlet/s.Sl?sit=a,56,c,371,m,1071&r=CeAP-1524-C_52_DETALLE_CENTRO
Email: n.d.

Museo Arqueológico de Yecla
Calle España, 37
ES-30510 Yecla

Tel: +34 968 79 09 01
Website: www.museoarqueologicodeyecla.org
Email: museoarqueologicodeyecla[at]gmail.com

Museo de Siyâsa (Siyâsa Museum)
Calle San Sebastián, 17
ES-30530 Cieza

Tel: +34 968 77 31 53
Website: www.regmurcia.com/servlet/s.Sl?sit=c,371,m,1071&r=CeAP-41-PORTADA_CENTRO_AMPLIADO
Email: n.d.
Miguel SAN NICOLÁS (Servicio de Patrimonio Histórico/ Heritage Service) / Gregorio ROMERO SÁNCHEZ (Servicio de Patrimonio Histórico/ Heritage Service)
Stadt/Region des Sitzes
Murcia (Region of Murcia)
Stadt/Region des Erbes
Moratalla (Region of Murcia) / Mula (Region of Murcia) / Jumilla (Region of Murcia) / Yecla (Region of Murcia) / Cieza (Region of Murcia)
37.987942, -1.133746
38.177938, -1.922765 / 38.475888, -1.333523 / 38.612293, -1.113361 / 38.236815, -1.423950
Rock Art of the Mediterranean Basin on the Iberian Peninsula (1998) (whc.unesco.org/en/list/874)
Europäische Kulturerbe-Siegel
Andere Kulturerbe-Siegel
Governing body of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia.
The Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Government of Castile and León is in charge of regional powers in the areas of culture and art, cultural heritage and museums.
Region Murcia represents many rock art sites, such as the Rock Shelter of Milano en Mula (www.prehistour.eu/carp-guide/el-milano-archeological-site-and-rockshelters), the Rock Shelters of Cañaíca del Calar, the Fuente del Sabuco in Moratalla, and the Rock Shelter of Los Pozos de Calasparra (http://www.prehistour.eu/carp-guide/el-pozo-rockshelters). The Rock Art Centre is a research centre for prehistoric rock art in Murcia, and is part of the network of Museums of Murcia (http://www.prehistour.eu/carp-guide/casa-de-cristo-regional-rockart-centre). The Archaeological Museum of Jumilla hosts a significant prehistoric collections, with object from the nearby rock art sites (www.prehistour.eu/carp-guide/buen-aire-rockshelters). The Archaeological Museum of Yecla offers a journey that begins around 150,000 B.C. (Middle Palaeolithic) and ends in the late Middle Ages at the end of the 15th century, representing also the rock art sites of Cantos de La Visera (http://www.prehistour.eu/carp-guide/cantos-de-la-visera-rockshelters-i-and-ii). The Siyâsa Museum houses an sample of the archaeological and ethnographic heritage of the territory of Cieza, and its rock art sites (Rock Shelters of Los Grajos and La Serreta).
Fuente del Sabuco de Moratalla Fuente del Sabuco de Moratalla
Los Pozos de Calasparra Los Pozos de Calasparra
Museo de Siyâsa Museo de Siyâsa
Abrigo del Milano en Mula Abrigo del Milano en Mula
Museo Arqueológico de Yecla Museo Arqueológico de Yecla

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