Zurück Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes

Photo (from left to right - © MC): Eleonora Berti (Project Coordinator, European Institute of Cultural Routes), Stefano Dominioni (Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes and Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes), Alfredas Jomantas (Chair of the EPA Governing Board and representative of Lithuania - Ministry of Culture), Colette Flesch (President, European Institute of Cultural Routes), Snežana Samardžić-Marković (Director General For Democracy, Council of Europe) and Guy Arendt (Secretary State, Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg).

Photo (from left to right - © MC): Eleonora Berti (Project Coordinator, European Institute of Cultural Routes), Stefano Dominioni (Executive Secretary, Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes and Director, European Institute of Cultural Routes), Alfredas Jomantas (Chair of the EPA Governing Board and representative of Lithuania - Ministry of Culture), Colette Flesch (President, European Institute of Cultural Routes), Snežana Samardžić-Marković (Director General For Democracy, Council of Europe) and Guy Arendt (Secretary State, Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg).

On 27-28 April 2017, the Annual Governing Board of the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Cultural Routes (EPA), which brings together the Members States and Observers of the EPA, met in the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg. Among the topics discussed by the EPA Governing Board, the regular evaluation cycle 2016-17 and the audition of new candidates routes as well as the Annual Advisory Forum - 30th Anniversary (27-29 September, Lucca, Italy).



Certified Cultural Routes under regular evaluation (cycle 2016-17)

  • Huguenots and Waldensian Trail
  • European Mozart Ways
  • European Route of Megalithic Culture
  • Saint Martin of Tours Route


Candidates for certification (cycle 2016-17)

  • Longobard ways across Europe
  • Impressionisms Route
  • Chocolate Way - Cultural Ethical network of artisanal heritage sites


Special session "Strengthening the EPA on Cultural Routes: possible future synergies"

  • Jérôme Hamilius, Director of the European Cooperation & Strategy, Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
  • Patrick Torrent, President, NECSTouR (Network of European Regions for Sustainable and Competitive Tourism)
  • Nick Greenfield, Head of Tour Operator Relations, European Tour Operators Association (ETOA)
  • Jesus Freire, Project Officer EuroVelo, European Cyclists Federation (ECF)
Luxembourg 27-28 April 2017
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