Zurück Creative sector focus groups for western Greece

Within the framework of the SPARC Project (Interreg Greece Italy 2014-2020), the MOSAIC // Culture & Creativity has been commissioned by the Region of Western Greece and the Achaia Chamber of Commerce. The aim is to conduct a thorough Mapping Survey / Context Analysis for the Cultural & Creative Sector (CCS) in the Western Greece, including a detailed Needs Analysis Study to identify the training and services needs of the main stakeholders.

At MOSAIC, it was decided that it would be of no use to spread a number of questionnaires to the current list of cultural and creative organisations and professionals in order to measure their needs, but instead the key players should be brought in the same room, to discuss and generate synergies and projects.

To this aim, a number of Creative Focus Groups were arranged in each of the main cities in the Region of Western Greece. The focus groups used specific tools and methodologies to gather the information as a joint decision of what the sector needs as a whole with regard to training thematics and services offered by the Public Sector.

In total five Focus Groups were organised (three in Patras and one in Pirgos and Messolonghi respectively). The sessions revealed a wealth of detailed and deep knowledge on a subject. An ideal environment was created, creating interaction between the participants allowing them to freely express their views and concerns from their own perspective. It was an interesting opportunity not only to understand the participants’ perspectives, but to see the micro community in each session and make the participants understand their importance and their role in the Creative Sector. Through this, different players and actors were engaged and saw their role in the area. It is interesting to mention, that a great number of participants had no previous knowledge of the Creative Sector, nor that they belong to the sector and are key players in it.

Furthermore, a Transfer Knowledge Workshop and a Dedicated Info Day event (organised within the Project implementation) were organised, where good practises were presented and the participants had the chance of further networking.

Technically, the structure of the Focus Group Meetings, was as follows:

- Upon arrival, the facilitator presented the topic and the issues where the participants would be asked to contribute.

- Participants presented themselves, the organisation or their professional activities in the case of freelancers.

- The World Café method was followed, and the participants were divided into two working groups with different discussion topics. The leader of each group continued the interview and brainstorming process in order to find out and identify the participants’ needs under each thematic.

- At the end of the process, the facilitators of each group presented their conclusions in plenary, and the discussion continued with the feedback of the participants of both tables.

The contracting Authorities (Achaia Chamber and Region of Western Greece) approved the results and they currently use it in the project implementation and the next deliverables.

In addition, a baseline study in further strategic planning in relevant Policy Making procedure has been made.

The main supporting partners in the Creative Focus Group sessions, to engage local CCI stakeholders was:

- Achaia Chamber,

- Region of Western Greece.

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