Avenue de l'Europe
F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex
Tel. +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00


Two more weeks to enter the Council of Europe´s photo and video competition for young Europeans!

Council of Europe 9 July 2024 Strasbourg

The Council of Europe has extended the deadline for the photo and video competition Human Rights, Camera, Action! aimed at young people, inviting them to use their smartphones or digital cameras to convey a creative vision of human rights in Europe through a photograph or short video. Prize...

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Summer school in Liverpool examines Council of Europe law

Council of Europe 9 July 2024 Liverpool

The second Liverpool Summer School is underway at the University of Liverpool. The twelve day event, titled “Council of Europe at 75: Protecting Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law in a Rapidly Changing World” has been organised by the university’s School of Law and Social Justice in...

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Georgien: Staatengruppe gegen Korruption drängt auf verstärkte Kontrolle und Rechenschaftspflicht in hohen Positionen der Exekutiv- und Polizeibehörden

Staatengruppe gegen Korruption (GRECO) 9. Juli 2024 Straßburg

Die Staatengruppe des Europarates gegen Korruption (GRECO) fordert in einem neuen Bericht zu Georgien entschlossene Maßnahmen zur Korruptionsverhütung unter ranghohen Mitgliedern der Regierungsbehörden und bei Polizeibediensteten (Bericht in englischer und georgischer Sprache). Die GRECO stellt...

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Hungary highlights Council of Europe's role in national minority youths’ political participation

5 July 2024 Budapest

On 17-18 June 2024, in Budapest, Hungary, the 2024 edition of Council of Europe Days event brought together young people belonging to national minorities from several Council of Europe member states to highlight the Council of Europe’s crucial role in setting standards for their political rights....

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