Zurück ADI-ROM group of experts join thematic visit on combating antigypsyism

ADI-ROM group of experts join thematic visit on combating antigypsyism

Germany has hosted the thematic visit on combating antigypsyism within the framework of the Committee of Experts for Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM) . The visit was attended by partner countries Croatia, France, Lithuania, Romania, and Switzerland.

The participants shared initiatives and good practices in the area of combating antigypsyism and exchanged with representatives from the following German authorities: Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community; Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth; Federal Government Commissioner for the Fight against Antigypsyism and for Sinti and Roma Life in Germany; Federal Government Commissioner for Matters Related to Ethnic German Resettlers and National Minorities; and Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency.

Civil society organisations - Independent Antigypsyism Reporting and Information Center (MIA), Amaro Drom, Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma, European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture - informed the participants of their current activities aimed at fighting antigypsyism.

It was concluded that legislating the prohibition of antigypsyism, of hate crimes and hate speech against Roma, represents a crucial element in the fight against this phenomenon. Public awareness that antigypsyism is a violation of human rights must be increased. In addition to this, participants highlighted that it is of utmost importance that society internalises values such as diversity, inclusion, non-discrimination. Governments must speak to the hearts and minds to bring about change in society and the tools for this can be the law, education, and administration.

A thematic report on combating antigypsyism, based on the conclusions from the visit, will be presented for adoption to the Steering Committee on Anti-discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI) during its June 2025 meeting.


Berlin, Germany 9 - 10 September 2024
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